Big Brother’s 25th season has just one week remaining as of Thursday night. The winner of Big Brother 25 will shortly be made public. On Day 100, the longest-running Big Brother season comes to an end.
Bowie Jane, Jag Bains, and Matt Klotz advanced to the final four. Cirie Fields or Felicia Cannon will accompany them. The final two will be chosen in the final episode after the BB25 cast narrows down to a final three.
The winner will be revealed by the BB25 jury during Julie Chen Moonves’ two-hour season finale. In addition, the audience will vote to choose America’s favorite houseguest. There is a $50,000 reward for AFH. Big Brother 26 applications are currently being accepted, and there have even been whispers of a winter season of the reality competition show.
As demonstrated last week, Mama Fe has more options for securing her spot on Finale Night than winning. The Minutemen were already beginning to show signs of fracture. Jag and Matt have both talked of betraying each other in the past.
They appeared to understand that sitting apart would increase their chances of winning. But if they had the chance, would either of them take that shot? Since one of them would have to be evicted, Felicia’s best plan of action would be to guarantee her spot.
To be honest, we had no idea who, if given the option, she would choose. While Matt has a strong comp history and has played an amazing social game, Jag is undoubtedly a competitive beast. Regarding Bowie, the attorney ought to be putting together an incredible last-minute defense.

As Cirie joined the jury for tonight’s episode, she harshly criticized Jag’s outstanding list of competition victories, saying that he is “playing against two senior citizens, one airhead, and one idiot.”
None of these last four teams are guaranteed to win. At this moment, Mama Fe may perhaps have the best chance of winning. If she can go past being on the block so frequently and finish the game, well, we all witnessed what Taylor Hale accomplished the previous season.
Taylor, speaking of which, stopped by this week as well to provide her opinions on the Final 4, provide an update on her relationship with Joseph, and discuss her rapidly developing career in television journalism with Entertainment Tonight.
We’ve witnessed some shady behavior, but Bowie and Jag planned one of the shadiest ones yet when they decided who she should put up for eviction this week. It doesn’t matter in the end, but she still wanted to pay tribute to the recent Final 2 that she and Jag crafted.
Jag, who has been playing this game lately and bordering on demonic evil, devised a phony pick-a-number game. After pre-gaming the answer, they bided their time.
When Matt and Jag were gathered by The Mafia to discuss who should be the next person up on the block, Jag “innocently” suggested that the lads choose a number and that the person who was closest to Bowie’s number would be safe.
Naturally, as they had prearranged this, Matt was not going to win. And so Matt’s pristine record of never being on the block was broken by dishonesty from his closest partner in the game. While Bowie keeps hers, Matt and Jag don’t want to offend her by nominating her multiple weeks in a row.
We might be past the time of allegiance, but it’s difficult to imagine them truly being devoted to her at this point. Loyalty might not matter at all because the $750,000 is getting closer and closer. Who you can defeat in the end is what matters most. This season, it’s not as evident.
Release Date & Where to Watch
Big Brother Season 25 Episode 42 will premiere exclusively on the CBS network in the United States on Thursday, November 9, 2023, at 8:00 PM ET.
This season’s Big Brother programs have a 45-minute duration. This week, Big Brother Season 25 will premiere new episodes on Sundays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. Big Brother Season 25 is expected to have at least 42 episodes, and this is the final episode of the current season.

The release times in different countries are:
- For viewers in the United Kingdom: 12:00 AM GMT on November 10, 2023
- For the viewers in Canada: 09:30 PM NT on November 9, 2023
- For the viewers in Korea: 09:00 AM KST on November 10, 2023
- For the viewers in the Philippines: 08:00 AM PHT on November 10, 2023
You may also watch Big Brother Season 25 if you have a trial membership to Paramount Plus. Furthermore, one may watch the current season of Big Brother on FuboTV and DIRECTV Stream.