Barnacle Bill, as it is known in the United Kingdom, is one of the lesser-known Ealing comedies. But what are the filming locations of Barnacle Bill? Alec Guinness plays a Royal Navy captain with 400 years of maritime forebears. But he suffers from severe seasickness and must spend his career on dry land teaching at a naval college. When he retires, he buys a cheap beach pier, only to discover that the surrounding resort is plagued by a particularly prudish set of town councilors and gangs of rebellious rock ‘n’ roll youngsters. The latter scenario has the potential for a Dead Poets Society us and them cliche, but this movie is smarter and wittier than that.
The Captain’s determination to make the pier a contemporary, running concern is met with constant opposition. But, with the help of an unexpected new ally, he embarks on a stunning strategy to free his “ship” from land authorities.
The issue with this film is that it will inevitably be compared to the truly great Ealing comedies. It doesn’t quite measure up. It has a certain allure, it’s a lighthearted feel-good film with some stunning visuals, and Alec Guinness is in terrific form. Now, we will discuss the filming location of Barnacle Bill. Let’s take a look into that!

Filming Location of Barnacle Bill
Hunstanton, Norfolk
People from Hunstanton and other parts of Norfolk became movie stars in our country and America 65 years ago. A slew of famous faces descended on “Sunny Hunny” to film Barnacle Bill in the United Kingdom and All at Sea in the United States. It was the last of the Ealing comedy to be released.
It was almost like Hollywood, with the great actors surrounded by autograph hunters and well-wishers, and MGM workers everywhere. Around 400 people queued outside the casting director’s office for extra roles, with youngsters from Great Yarmouth and Norwich joining Hunstanton lads and lasses for a rock ‘n’ roll jiving sequence.
Hunstanton Locals
Filmed on-site in Hunstanton, Norfolk, and the MGM Borehamwood studio. Barnacle Bill was Alec Guinness’s final picture for Ealing Studios and the penultimate Ealing Comedy. Setting up the beach scene such that those in front of the beach huts can view the floating pier. Locals from Hunstanton were utilized in this picture.
On The Green in Hunstanton, a scenario was put up in front of the Capitol Cinema, now the Princess Theatre, with The Cracknell’s store owner leaning against the door.

The Town Hall was used to film the interior of the Crazy House, where nothing was upright. Maurice Denham, the son of a local photographer, participated in the film as a photographer. And also some advertising shots were done in his studio. A scene of The Green in front of the Town Hall was cut from the USA release print, which is always shown on TV.
More on Barnacle Bill filming locations, Other movies like The First World War (2003), Dad Savage (1998), Set Me Free: Vol. I (2016), Wild Bones (2022), etc., were also shot in Hunstanton, Norfolk.
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