Madara Uchiha is one of the founding members of Konoha and stands as one of the most formidable shinobi in Naruto history.
As one of the series’ most menacing antagonists, his raw power and ambition surpass almost all others. Whether you admire him or despise him, his abilities are undeniably impressive—yet many fans may not be aware of all the details surrounding his character.
While it’s widely known that he is immensely powerful, fewer people realize that he is capable of wielding ten different chakra release forms, possesses five kekkei genkai and one kekkei mora, and was originally designed by his creator to have no weaknesses.
Additionally, although his role in Konoha’s history is well understood, not everyone knows that Hashirama actually wanted Madara to be the first Hokage or that it was Madara who gave Konohagakure its name.
Here are some lesser-known facts about Madara Uchiha that you may find fascinating.
1. He Could Use Ten Different Forms of Nature Release
Most shinobi are limited to using only a few types of chakra release, but Madara was anything but ordinary. He had mastery over all five basic release forms: Fire Release, Wind Release, Lightning Release, Earth Release, and Water Release.
Additionally, he was proficient in Yin Release, Yang Release, Yin-Yang Release, Storm Release, and Wood Release. This extensive range of abilities made him a nearly unstoppable force.
2. He Had Five Kekkei Genkai & One Kekkei Mora
Owning even a single kekkei genkai is rare, yet Madara possessed five. His kekkei genkai included the Sharingan, the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, the Rinnegan, Storm Release, and Wood Release.
As the series progressed, he also attained a Kekkei Mōra, the Rinne Sharingan, making him the only human—and the only living being besides the Ten Tails and Kaguya Otsutsuki—to ever wield this extraordinary dojutsu.

3. He Gave Konohagakure Its Name
Ever wondered who named Konohagakure? That honor goes to none other than Madara Uchiha, one of the village’s founding figures. The name, which translates to “The Village Hidden in the Leaves,” pays homage to the lush, green forests that envelop the region.
4. He Was Supposed to Be the First Hokage
When Konohagakure was initially established, Hashirama Senju wished for Madara to become the first Hokage. His reasoning was twofold: he saw it as a way to solidify peace between their once-warring clans and held genuine respect for Madara’s immense power.
However, Tobirama Senju, who disapproved of Madara’s approach to consolidating power and controlling neighboring territories, opposed the idea. Instead, Tobirama proposed that the Hokage be chosen through an election. As a result, Hashirama was ultimately selected as the first Hokage instead of Madara.
5. He Has No Weaknesses
According to a 2012 interview with Kishimoto, Madara was designed to have no weaknesses whatsoever. He stated:
“All strong people have some kind of weak point, but Madara does not. How will the fight from here on out go!? Please stay excited and wait to find out!!”
Whether this was intended purely as promotional hype while the series was still ongoing or was meant to be taken literally is unclear. It is also possible that Kishimoto was referring only to physical weaknesses, rather than emotional or psychological ones.
6. His Favorite Phrase Referred to Battle
According to the official databook, Madara’s favorite phrase is “Armour-sleeved single hit” (鎧袖一触, Gaishū Isshoku). This poetic expression describes the act of defeating an opponent in a single, powerful strike.
7. Madara’s Brother’s Hobby Involved Him
Madara’s younger brother, Izuna, listed his hobby as “training with Madara.” While Madara himself may not have considered this a pastime, it is likely that he also enjoyed their training sessions. This detail further highlights the deep bond the two brothers shared.
8. He Had Multiple Siblings
Although Madara is best known for his close relationship with his brother Izuna, he was not an only child. In fact, he had three additional younger brothers, all of whom died at a young age.
The loss of so many siblings only strengthened the bond between Madara and Izuna, as they were the only two to survive.
9. He Was Into Falconry
Madara’s time for personal pursuits was limited, but when he did have a moment to indulge in hobbies, he enjoyed falconry. Traditionally, this involves training falcons to hunt for their owners, but in the Naruto world, it may also include other tasks performed by ninja-trained animals.
Madara was not the only Uchiha to develop an interest in birds of prey—his descendant, Sasuke Uchiha, would later establish a summoning contract with hawks.
10. His Desired Opponent Wasn’t Hashirama
Given Madara’s fixation on Hashirama and the fact that Hashirama considered Madara his ultimate opponent, one might assume that Madara’s greatest desire was to battle Hashirama.
However, according to the databook, Madara’s ambition was broader—he wanted to fight “the upper-class Konoha ninja.”
It is unclear whether he was referring to exceptionally skilled shinobi who had reached the rank of jonin and beyond, or if he meant those from prestigious and influential families.