The television anime adaptation of Ayano Takeda and Musshu’s manga Hana wa Saku, Shura no Gotoku (Flower and Ashura) has been announced, with a new website revealing key details.
The anime is set to premiere in 2025 and will feature a teaser visual, main cast, and staff. Notably, Musshu created a special illustration to celebrate the announcement.
The lead roles of Hana Haruyama and Mizuki Usurai will be voiced by Minori Fujidera and Miyuri Shimabukuro, respectively.
Ayumu Uwano, known for his work on Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation II, will direct the anime at Studio Bind. Kazuyuki Fudeyasu will handle the series scripts, and Kou Aine will design the characters.
The story is set on the small island of Tonakishima, where high school student Hana Haruyama, who loves to read aloud, is invited by Mizuki Usurai to join the school’s broadcasting club.
Mizuki believes Hana’s reading has a unique power to catch the attention of the audience. The original manga, launched in Shueisha’s Ultra Jump magazine in June 2021, has published six volumes so far, with a seventh due on June 19.
Ayano Takeda, widely known for her Sound! the euphonium series brings her storytelling prowess to this new project.
Her previous works have been well-received, and Sound! Euphonium has even been adapted into multiple anime seasons, highlighting her successful transition from novels to animated series.
Musshu, the illustrator for Hana wa Saku, Shura no Gotoku, also created Furidashi ni Ochiru, a manga about a high school girl striving to fit in.
With both creators’ strong backgrounds in engaging stories and compelling character designs, the upcoming anime adaptation of Hana wa Saku, Shura no Gotoku, is highly anticipated by fans and promises to be an amazing addition to the anime lineup in 2025.