DCEU’s recent venture, known as Black Adam, starring Dwayne The Rock Johnson in the lead made a lot of buzz on the internet since its release. The movie was in the headlines for lots of reasons, one because it’s a new DC movie, and although DC movies have not reached the same cult status as the MCU movies. But those who have read the comics might very well be aware that how much potential the DC universe has.
In spite of Dwayne Johnson’s immense efforts to promote the film, and in spite of a tremendous cast, visual effects, action scenes, and storyline, the movie failed to gross more than $400 Million worldwide.
But one of the only things this movie did right was the cameo of Superman, aka Henry Cavill’s return as the legendary Superman. Fans went crazy after seeing the post-credit scene of Black Adam, which actually teased a potential face-off between two of the DC’s strongest superheroes.
And it got the internet wonder what would happen if Superman and Black Adam battled out. Who would win? Will it be the son of Krypton who would emerge victorious or the anti-hero, Black Adam? Today we shall be breaking down all the details about both the superhero’s power and will try to figure out who might win if they ever face off.
What Happened In Comics? Black Adam Vs. Superman
Well, although we haven’t seen any Superman Vs. Black Adam is in the movies, yet after the latest tease, hopefully, I believe that it may happen soon in the future. But in comics, both the legendary superheroes have batted quite a couple of times.
The first battle happened between them when Black Adam disguised himself as Shazam and tried to attack Superman, but unfortunately, his plan was foiled by Supergirl, who ultimately stopped that fight.

Both the superheroes battled for a second time too, but their battle ended quickly since they realized that they both had a common enemy.
But one of the fiercest battles between them had to be from the “Forever Evil” arc, where Black Adam fought the evil version of Superman from the Earth 3 Crime Syndicate.
Who Would Win, Superman Or Black Adam? In a Superhero Battle
It’s a really interesting question. Both the heroes are really powerful and have god-like powers, and in fact, Black Adam literally gets his powers from Egyptian Gods. But still, Superman is ain’t no joke. So let’s begin by breaking down each of their powers.
Superman is a god-like figure on earth. He has superhuman strength, X-ray Visions, he can fly, bullets and normal human weapons can’t bring any harm to him, he shoots laser beams from his eyes, and he has heat vision too. Literally, he is a god on earth.
And it’s the reason why we have seen Batman getting bothered by his alienated presence on earth, fearing his god-like powers, which ultimately led to the events of Batman Vs. Superman. We have seen that even a god-like Superman can also bleed, that too, by the hands of a mortal being like Batman.
And Kryptonite is one of his biggest weaknesses. But do you know, according to comics, there are various kinds of Kryptonites that can bring damage to Superman in various different ways?

But his biggest weakness against Black Adam has to be magic. Although Superman has god-like powers, a powerful magic user can definitely defeat Superman.
But we have to consider another point, whenever Superman fights, he never uses his strength up to 100%. He holds himself back so that he doesn’t need his opponent. And it would be really interesting to see him fighting with his 100% strength against Black Adam.
Black Adam
Just like Superman, Black Adam also has godly powers; in fact, he gets his powers from ancient Egypt Gods, like power, stamina, wisdom, strength, courage, speed, etc. along with that, he has the ability to use magic and can protect himself from potential magic attacks.
But even Black Adam has a weakness. And that is Eternium, a metal just like Kryptonian that can harm Black Adam.

Who Would Win? Black Adam Vs. Superman
Well, in terms of strength, both Superman and Black Adam are somewhere nearly equal. But Black Adam’s magical powers could give him a better edge.
While Superman is a calm fighter, he thinks, plans strategies, and fights. But Black Adam solely relies on his godly strength and is a hot-headed guy, and on a battlefield, a cool and calm mind often emerges victorious even if he/she is not that strong.
So in terms of power Black Adam would definitely win. But we have also seen Superman beat down some of the supervillains who had greater power than him, so we still cannot say for sure if Black Adam would emerge victorious. Both have a good amount of chance of winning.
It would be quite interesting to see both of them face off in a future DCEU movie.
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