Fear The Walking Dead Season 7 Episode 16 saw Morgan exploring the unknown lands he set off on. Hoping that this place is far safer for baby Mo than the one they lived on. Last time around on the show, Morgan had left the leadership in the hands of Alicia. She took on Strand’s tower, but in the end, the tower fell off, thus leaving her group to take the rafts to the place where Morgan was headed.
Now Fear The Walking Dead Season 7 Episode 16 over here sees Morgan getting familiar with the new territory. The kind of people who live here and the threats he may have to face. Plus, does PADRE really exist, and what is it? The episode also brings back a major character. So let’s break down what went down during the episode.
Fear The Walking Dead S07 E16 Recap
Fear The Walking Dead Season 7 Episode 16 sees Morgan walking around the unknown lands he is on along with Baby Mo. The best he comes across is a pregnant woman named Ava, who has been hiding in an abandoned house. Even she is looking for help. Instead of helping each other, Ava warns Morgan that this isn’t a place for his kid.
Morgan spends time in his tent contacting Grace until someone tricks him into kidnaping him. Morgan wakes up to see a group of people wearing hoods. They accused him of stealing their kids and were ready to bury him. Until Madison Clarke made her return to take out most of them, she was the one stealing kids and taking them to PADRE. She asks Morgan not to follow him, or else she may have to kill him.

Madison arrives at a boathouse to realize the people of PADRE are late. She feeds Baby Mo and leaves her there, telling her that she is better off without her father. Morgan later catches up to Madison, but by that time, PADRE had already arrived and taken Baby Mo away.
Later, Morgan and Madison get into a scuffle where Morgan sees Nick and Alicia’s names on her wrists. He offers to tell her about her kids in exchange for baby Mo. They also catch up to help Ava, and Ava believes that PADRE is the place where she can find her baby.
Eventually, the hooded people catch up. While trying to run away, Ava gets injured, and the trio has no option but to hide in a nearby Crypt. During that time, they find out that Ava lied about her pregnancy and is one of those mothers Madison stole from.
Morgan confronts Madison and tells her the truth about Nick’s death and Alicia probably dying as well. Madison remembers the deal she made with PADRE and doesn’t want her kids to see all of this. The Hooded people knock on the door. Morgan and Ava decided to give Madison up.

While Ava went along with the hooded people to confront PADRE, Morgan went in time to save a buried Madison. They also saw Ava and the hooded people coming back as walkers from the waters, which means they probably died fighting PADRE. The episode comes to a close with Morgan offering the people PADRE the location of his people. Definitely, they are blurting to get inside the place.
Fear The Walking Dead Season 7 Episode 16 Review
Fear The Walking Dead Season 7 Episode 16 wrapped up the show on quite a decent note. But with that, we are not yet excited about what may go down in the next season. It all went down the way a usual FTWD episode or finale would go down. The biggest attraction of the finale would be the return of Madison Clarke, obviously.
So we got a completely different Madison in an antagonist form. For the first half of the episode, we really couldn’t understand her motives for stealing the kids. Until this idea of PADRE stealing kids from their families to give them a new life came into play. As crazy as it sounds, this may be the bigger conflict that may take place in the newer season.

From the first glimpse of people of PADRE, we don’t think they are going to be much of a bigger threat. They look no less than the hooded people who got killed off in a blow. But who knows what they have got under their sleeve.
At this point, it seems like we may only see Morgan and Madison work hand in hand to infiltrate the place PADRE is built upon. We got to give to their chemistry. We never saw them working together, but they do go great as a duo, and the next season may be all about their partnership and them reuniting with their loved ones. But for now, the bigger threat remains to be PADRE.
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