On December 28, 2024, Gypsy Rose Blanchard welcomed a baby girl named Aurora, exactly one year after her release from prison. Blanchard, 33, and her partner, Ken Urker, shared the happy news on January 1, 2025, with Urker posting a photo of the family on Instagram. The couple celebrated the arrival of their healthy daughter.
The birth took place in Blanchard’s home state of Louisiana, where she and Urker are overjoyed with their new addition. Urker told TMZ that Aurora is healthy, adding to their happiness.
One year before her daughter’s birth, Blanchard was released from prison after serving nearly nine years for her involvement in her mother’s death. In 2016, she pleaded guilty to second-degree murder for conspiring with her then-boyfriend, Nicholas Godejohn, to kill her mother, Claudine “Dee Dee” Blanchard.
Dee Dee, who was believed to suffer from Munchausen syndrome by proxy, caused Gypsy to believe she was seriously ill with multiple diseases. These false beliefs led Gypsy to undergo unnecessary treatments, including a feeding tube and wheelchair use.
The chilling events surrounding Gypsy’s life were featured in the 2017 documentary Mommy Dead and Dearest and the 2019 Hulu series The Act, where Gypsy’s character was portrayed by Joey King.
Before Aurora’s birth, Gypsy had experienced significant changes in her personal life. She and Urker had briefly been engaged in 2018 while Gypsy was still incarcerated, but they split in 2019. Gypsy later married Ryan Anderson while in prison but filed for divorce from him in March 2024 after announcing their separation.
In mid-2024, Gypsy revealed that she was pregnant and expecting her first child with Urker. She shared this news in a YouTube video, confirming that she was 11 weeks pregnant at the time.
Despite the unexpected nature of the pregnancy, Gypsy and Urker are both excited about the journey of parenthood. Gypsy has expressed her joy in embracing this new chapter of her life and is eager to begin raising her child with Urker. The couple’s excitement about their growing family marks a fresh start after the tumultuous events of Gypsy’s past.