Violet Evergarden stands out as a deeply moving anime, renowned for its exquisite animation and profound storytelling. It follows the journey of Violet, a girl learning to interpret her own emotions, where words without meaning are mere jumbles.
For her, understanding her reality and its language means finding a place to call home and discovering the value in her own life.
Initially penned as a novel by Akatsuki Kana, Violet Evergarden shows the inner workings of its protagonist’s heart and mind. The transition to an anime adaptation brought inevitable changes, prompting reflection from the author herself.
In a special Interview, Akatsuki acknowledged that transforming a novel into an anime involves necessary adjustments. While she hoped fans could view both as cohesive works, she understood the unique challenges of each medium.
Akatsuki Kana, as the author, recognized the inherent limitations of solitary writing. Writing is a solitary endeavor until others, like editors and illustrators, become involved.
The anime adaptation allowed for collaboration and improvement, even if it meant making changes to the original story. For Akatsuki, these revisions were about enhancing the narrative, an evolution that only the collaborative process could achieve.
Ultimately, Violet Evergarden’s journey, both in novel and anime form, remains a testament to self-discovery and growth. The changes made in the adaptation process were not just necessary but transformative, enriching the story and ensuring its impact on audiences is enduring.