Good Boy deftly and subtly falls into that “what did I just watch?” category, evolving from somewhat humorous still images to a full-fledged, unsettling horror that lingers in your mind long after the credits have rolled. Despite being comparatively brief, Good Boy packs a lot into its scant 76 minutes.
As Sigrid searches for love, she meets Christian (Gard Løkke), a shy young man with whom she quickly clicks. But Christian has a small secret: Frank, a man who lives in Christian’s house and dresses and behaves like a dog all day long, thinks he is a dog.
Sigrid initially acts surprised and a little uncomfortable, apologises, and walks away. But after talking to her flatmate and meeting her new friend, she seems to have changed her mind and accepts to go on another date with the multimillionaire Christian for an unknown reason.
The two hit it off right away, and before long, Sigrid and Frank are travelling across the nation together. But what was supposed to be a romantic weekend becomes anything but when Christian starts acting strangely towards Sigrid and more and more of Frank’s true nature comes to light.

There is more to Frank and Christian’s relationship than meets the eye, and what at first seems like a somewhat strange but helpful arrangement quickly deteriorates, sending Sigrid into a nightmare.
Even though there are only a few characters in the film, Good Boy manages to accomplish a lot with its cast, direction, and running time. In order to guarantee the weirdness and payoff, Bøe has produced a film that is shot in a very natural style with a documentary-like feel.
The story holds your interest throughout its peculiar plot because of the strong acting and genuine curiosity about Frank’s situation. The terror in this movie is psychological, and it sneaks up on you; it’s not bloody or violent.
Ending Explained
It’s evident that Christian captured Sigrid in the same manner that Frank did in his day. Contrary to what the wealthy man claimed, the latter was not at all voluntarily with his “master.” Christian tortured Frank into being obedient and acting like a dog. The girl suffered the same fate.
What, though, is this enigmatic third pet that lurks in the background? This seems to be Christian and Sigrid’s son. It appears that the couple did not employ protection when they first started dating.
Alternatively, and this is less likely, the girl was abused by the wealthy man after being apprehended (since Christian attempted to treat people like dogs by turning them into dogs).
The fact that Sigrid is seen throwing up soon after arriving at the country house and then saying she is not hungry is one detail that might help to explain how Good Boy ends. Given that the girl was already quite terrified after hearing Frank’s remarks, it is likely that this occurred while under a great deal of stress.
It could also be pregnancy-related toxicosis, but in this instance, at least a few weeks should have passed since the intimate moment. Furthermore, it appears that the first date was only a week ago based on the events depicted.

How come Christian treated his son like a “dog”? It’s for the same reason that Sigrid and Frank had. It is made clear to us right away that wealthy men generally do not get along with other people. He feels so much more at ease around animals. As a result, he makes pets out of everyone who approaches him.
Good Boy demonstrates that leisurely-paced films can hold our attention just as well as fast-moving ones. Even though it lacks the fine intricacies of other psychological thrillers, it’s nonetheless fascinating, enjoyable, and wonderfully strange.
Regretfully, the movie’s last part is unsatisfactory. The movie’s first three-quarters of suspense, chemistry, charm, and intrigue vanish in an instant, leaving behind a terribly disappointing ending.
While the film’s quiet caution is broken and violence and anger are unleashed in the penultimate scene, it does offer a much-needed change of pace. But other than being violent and angry, the anger and violence have no other purpose.
To tell the truth, the final scene isn’t all that graphic. It’s unsettling, for sure, but if you enjoy horror films, it won’t even come close to being the worst thing you’ve ever seen. However, it appears to exist solely to stir up controversy and unease.
Although violence is frequently employed to further the plot and characters, it serves no purpose in Good Boy. Good Boy takes the easy route in terms of plot development and betrays its characters in the last act.