These days, voice acting has become a common job, mostly because anime has fans all over the world. Anime’s global reach has created a huge demand for people to provide voices for characters. It’s so big that even cat actors are getting work as voice talent, which is pretty crazy.
But being a famous voice actor isn’t all fun and games. They have to be careful about how they behave because they are role models. Sometimes, voice actors do things that society thinks are unacceptable. When that happens, they get in trouble and face backlash from disappointed fans.
For example, there was a big scandal involving a well-known Japanese pop singer named Lisa and her voice actor husband. They did something that people reacted negatively to. Now, a different voice actor has gotten themselves into a similar pickle by doing something inappropriate.

The people in charge of the Mononoke anime movie surprised and puzzled fans when they posted it on Twitter. They said the film’s release was being pushed back. On top of the delay, they revealed swaps amongst the main creative team behind the scenes.
Tomioka’s Voice Actor Is Being Kicked Off
This shake-up probably shouldn’t catch devotees of the series completely off guard, however. That’s because the voice actor playing a leading role has been wrapped up in controversy lately.
Details surrounding the performer’s personal life and choices have surfaced. And let’s just say some of the stuff reported doesn’t paint the best picture.

So, while the timing and specifics of the production changes may have raised eyebrows, in hindsight, clues had emerged foreshadowing issues. The social media announcement offered somewhat vague rationales without directly naming names or causes. But connecting the dots to the voice actor drama that’s unfolding seems plausible.
Delayed Release and Surprising Recasting of Kusuriuri Leaves Fans Speculating
The social media handlers behind the Mononoke anime series delivered some disheartening updates today. They logged into Twitter to make a post informing fans about Shakeups impacting the highly anticipated film adaptation.

The crux of the message centered on a delay and cast change. More specifically, the movie’s release date has been pushed back indefinitely for ambiguous reasons. While disruptive, this adjustment aligns with larger industry trends of projects facing postponements lately.
However, the other revelation proves more jarring – the recasting of the main character, Kusuriuri. This mystic medicine peddler ties all the supernatural elements together.
Veteran voice actor Takahiro Sakurai brought him to life in the original series. Sakurai’s stellar résumé includes prominent roles in other hits like Mob Psycho, Jujutsu Kaisen, and Demon Slayer.

So, while delays have become almost commonplace, switching voice talent for the pillar protagonist feels seismic. The cryptic context around these bombshell updates lends itself to speculation.
But dedicated fans know to expect the unexpected when it comes to eccentric characters like Kusuriuri.
Why Did They Make the Decision not to Include Takahiro Sakurai In The Cast?
Fans were shocked to hear Takahiro Sakurai had been dropped as the voice of the medicine seller, Kusuriuri, in the upcoming Mononoke film.
Sakurai is a consummate professional known for high-quality voice work. So why the last-minute recasting?
According to the social media post by the anime’s staff, the change stems from the movie’s shift to highlighting female perspectives and experiences. The storyline has moved its setting to the Ōuku, the historical women’s quarters within Edo Castle.

In light of this new narrative angle centered on female suffering and empowerment, the creators felt compelled to “re-evaluate casting choices.”
Their statement concludes that “from the perspective of matching the film’s themes, we decided to part ways with the original voice talent behind the medicine seller.”
But something about this vague rationale seems off. Sakurai’s vocal performance was a cornerstone of the medicine peddler’s mystery and appeal through 12 well-received episodes.

Would the character’s established tone and tenor suddenly clash so sharply with a storyline adjustment?
While the creators hint at motif-related reasoning, the opaque explanations raise more questions. Devoted fans are left wondering what really prompted the ejecting of a beloved player so late in the production process. There may be more backstage factors at play than the posts suggest.