Netflix has recently released its new documentary series, titled The Bad Surgeon: Love Under the Knife, which portrays the life of a corrupted surgeon. The documentary sheds light on Dr. Paolo Macchiarini’s research, where he set out to revolutionize regenerative medicines until he was found lying about his whole research.
The documentary also shows the personal life of the doctor and how his fiancee and reporter, Benita Alexander, went on to expose him and fight for justice. The documentary is directed by Ben Steel and will be three-parted.
He rose to fame after some of the successful research and developments that he has contributed in medicine. He introduced a procedure to transplant synthetic organs, which was lab-produced in 2011.
The organ can be made using the patient’s own stem cells. The medical field was really fascinated and interested in his new discovery and was very eager to know the results.
Between 2011 and 2014, he has performed eight experimental transplants. Sadly, out of the eight, seven lost their lives after the procedure.
After an external assessment in 2015, officials found him guilty of research misconduct. The documentary covers all the crimes the doctor has done.
Who is Dr. Paolo Macchiarini?
Paolo Macchiarini is a thoracic surgeon who has claimed to be doing research on regenerating organs. He has been convicted of research-related crimes in Italy and Sweden.
He rose to fame in 2008 when he created a new airway for a young woman by chemically stripping away the cells of a windpipe taken from a deceased donor and then seeding the bare scaffold with stem cells from the woman’s bone marrow.
It was declared a medical breakthrough after the successful creation of the windpipe. After that, Macchiarini started to work for the world’s most prestigious medical universities.
He has performed many surgeries in different parts of the country and claims to be friends with some of the most famous personalities in the world.
Some claimed that he was doing the research even after knowing the risky elements in it. Even after knowing that the surgery could be fatal, he sacrificed the lives of seven innocent people.
Later, he was accused of fraud and false claims when some of his research started failing, taking the lives of many. In June 2022, the Swedish Court convicted him of causing harm to a patient.
The court later found that he was guilty under the charges, which increased his sentence to two years and six months. The ungraced surgeon has not yet reported to the prison as his attorneys expressed their intention to appeal the verdict.
About Bad Surgeon: Love Under the Knife
Bad Surgeon: Love Under the Knife shows the life of the ungraced doctor and surgeon of Italy. It follows the rise and fall of Paolo Macchiarini, who rose to fame with his revolutionary regenerative surgeries. He was later accused of fraud and causing the death of seven healthy patients.
The synopsis of Bad Surgeon: Love Under the Knife is
In the early aughts, Dr. Paolo Macchiarini was a big deal. He was rumored to be Barack Obama and the Pope’s surgeon. His advancements in his field were revolutionary. And outside of his career achievements, he was seemingly the perfect man — according to his former fiancée, investigative producer Benita Alexander. But why did Macchiarini’s patients keep dying?”
Macchiarini was considered a manipulator whose fiancee said that she had felt deceived and he had sometimes used her to hide his truths. Benita, in the trailer, is seen saying that the man was once adored and adulated, but he was fooling everyone with his false research, causing many deaths.
The three-part series of the documentary tells the story of the very cunning surgeon, Paolo Macchiarini.
The documentary features the courageous families of the victims, his former fiancee, and some of his colleagues. The documentary also claims to have never heard reveals, and the series follows the unrelenting fight to bring Macchiarini to justice.