If you find yourself falling down that rabbit hole where you NEED to know every single thing about a certain movie or show and can’t focus on anything else, what do you do? If you watched Mothers of Monsters and need to know certain, very specific facts, about the filming locations or just the movie, then you found the right place.
Starring Melinda Page Hamilton, Bailey Edwards, Julian de la Celle, Janet Ulrich Brooks, and Edward Asner in the lead roles, Mothers of Monsters is a thriller drama film. The movie was originally released on 13th March 2020 and its run time is one hour thirty-eight minutes. Melinda Page Hamilton is a renowned actress who played Odessa Burakov in Devious Maids, a 2013 drama. Whereas, Bailey Edwards, the 29-year-old actor is popularly known for his roles in Bright, Highway One, and My Dead Boyfriend.
Directed by Tucia Lyman and produced by Aha Productions, Mothers of Monsters isn’t just a thriller horror film but it also focuses on the relationship between a mother and her troubled son. The title can come off as a bit confusing but the movie won’t be!
Although the writer/ director of M.O.M., Tucia says it’s a fictional tale that doesn’t feel as fictional, since the viewers almost believe what they are seeing, the plot manages rather well to carry itself on its own.
It’s true that not every piece of art will resonate with everyone. As expected, even M.O.M. was praised by some while some didn’t enjoy it as much. But if you are looking for a thriller, then this movie can be watched for sure! M.O.M. got a 5.8 rating on IMDb and 73% of viewers liked it on Rotten Tomatoes.
Mothers Of Monsters is a chilling and compelling story of Abbey Bell, a desperate mother who suspects her teenage son, Jacob Bell to be a psychopath. She thinks he’s plotting a school shooting and is forced to take matters into her own hands before it gets worse. When Jacob slips through the system, things get serious in the Bell house.
Abbey successfully installs a spy camera system in her home and even manages to confirm her worst fears about her son. Having seen her son’s behavior since he was a baby, his strangeness doesn’t come up as shocking to her.
But it gets really messy when her son uses a dark secret against her and drags her down with himself. Torn between her maternal instincts and the sense of right and wrong, what will Abbey do? And, is Jacob really the psychopath his mother makes him to be or is there something else going on in the family?

Filming Locations
If you have watched this film, then you must have a clue as to where it was filmed. Although it’s mentioned that the movie was filmed in Ohio, it was actually shot in Long Beach, California, USA. Since it’s told with found footage, there’s not much to mention here. Mothers Of Monsters [M.O.M.] was only shot in one location – Long Beach, California.
Long Beach is a coastal city and port in California which is known for its waterfront attractions along with several other things such as the Aquarium of the Pacific and Long Beach Pride Festival and Parade.

Where To Watch
Mothers Of Monsters [M.O.M.] premiered on online platforms for streaming on 24 March 2020 and is now available on Amazon Prime Video and Vudu. If you enjoy thriller movies and haven’t watched this movie yet, then you are surely missing out on a good horror movie! So go ahead and tick this movie off your watchlist now!