The immensely popular shonen manga series My Hero Academia, crafted by the talented Kohei Horikoshi, has reached its climax and appears to be heading towards its conclusion. However, loyal fans who have followed the journey of Izuku Midoriya and his fellow aspiring heroes at UA High are worried that Horikoshi may be wrapping things up too hastily. That is the reason why fans are wondering: Is My Hero Academia manga finished?
There is already chatter amongst the enthusiastic fandom that the manga has already reached its end, much sooner than expected. Supporters of the series have been quite vocal regarding their hopes for the storyline and character arcs. A rushed or abrupt ending at this point would surely leave many readers unsatisfied.
After years of character growth and world-building, the devoted fanbase is eager to see a satisfying wrap-up that ties up loose ends. There is concern that Horikoshi may cut short some plot threads or character resolutions in his desire to finish the manga.
While the mangaka likely has a vision for the conclusion, the audience is hoping he takes the time needed to bring the story to a fulfilling close that honors the journey thus far.
Is My Hero Academia Manga Finished?
Contrary to recent speculation, it seems the acclaimed Shonen manga series My Hero Academia is not ending in the near future. Mangaka Kohei Horikoshi had previously indicated he planned to conclude the manga in 2022. However, he has since walked back that statement, clarifying that the story will continue beyond 2022 and potentially last into 2023 as well.
At this point, there is broad consensus that it would be premature to wrap up the popular narrative. Horikoshi himself has affirmed that he does not intend to cut the story short. While the manga may be entering its final arc, devoted fans can rest assured knowing the creators do not plan to abruptly pull the plug on the series.
Although the climax and conclusion of My Hero Academia’s epic shonen tale appear to be on the horizon, Horikoshi has been clear he will take the time needed to satisfactorily close out the story. He has repeatedly stated he has an intricate ending mapped out for his masterwork, and he is committed to fully realizing his vision.
So for anxious fans, it seems there is no need to worry about a sudden or rushed finale. Horikoshi aims to steer the series to an organic, well-developed conclusion that does justice to the characters and world he has meticulously crafted over the years. There are more chapters yet to come before the curtain falls on this manga phenomenon.
While mangaka Kohei Horikoshi has confirmed My Hero Academia is in its final arc, he has clarified he does not intend to prolong the manga excessively like the epic series One Piece. Instead, Horikoshi aims to conclude the storyline thoughtfully, providing a satisfying resolution for the characters fans have come to love.
Though the ending is on the horizon, Horikoshi has asserted there are still many narrative threads to tie up before the manga concludes. This indicates there is still a significant amount of content left before the final chapter.
As of October 2023, My Hero Academia has 406 chapters published. The escalating war with All For One has taken center stage in the climactic final arc. While Dabi’s heated rivalry with Shoto Todoroki has been a highlight in recent volumes, it remains just one element among many still in motion. At 406 in the manga, an emboldened Bakugo has declared himself the “Final Boss” and launched an attack on All For One, signifying the stakes have been raised higher than ever.
Some criticism has emerged over the years regarding perceived changes in characterizations and pacing. Certain fans have voiced displeasure over Dabi’s increased prominence, as well as other complexities related to One For All. However, Horikoshi has reiterated his commitment to satisfactorily resolving all major story threads by the end.
Anime-only fans can rest easy as well. The My Hero Academia anime has only adapted up to chapter 320 so far. With over 80 manga chapters left, it will likely take at least two more seasons to fully animate the remainder of the story.
While the end may be approaching for My Hero Academia, it seems there are still many more twists and turns ahead before the curtain falls on this shonen sensation.