Love watching fiction and action-thriller films? Then this movie is for you. 65, which was released in the year 2023, has been receiving mixed reviews from critics all around the world. However, fans loved the plot and cinematography of the whole movie. Scott Beck and Bryan Woods directed, 65, features only two protagonists Mills (Adam Driver) and Koa (Ariana Greenblatt), and amazingly depicts their thriller journey that would surely keep you hooked till the end.
With the subtle plot, with enthralling action, what fans loved the most about this scientific fiction movie was the end of it. The whole movie follows the story of Mills and Koa and their journey toward keeping each other safe while connecting to each other’s souls and surviving the situations that they come across. Until the end of the film, Koa and Mills make a special place in fans’ hearts, but what happens, in the end, is a bit surprising.
So, what exactly happens to Koa and Mills? Whether they end up together or not? Let us find out. If you haven’t watched the movie yet, we request you to watch 65 first and come back here because this article contains major spoilers about the plot ending of the movie.
American Fiction-Thriller Film 65: Plot
There is a planet called Somaris, where a man named Mills lives with his loving wife, Alya, and daughter, Nevine. Nevine is severely ill, and Mills badly wants to treat his daughter to see her smiling healthily again.
So, he decides to go on a two-year space expedition so that he can earn some good money and treat his daughter, who is waiting for him on Somaris. As he completes the expedition, he feels ecstatic while going back home, but he comes across a fatal accident when the spaceship gets hit by asteroids.
After some time, Mills wakes up on an unknown planet, where he discovers that everyone who had been there with him on the spaceship has died, and he is the lone survivor on the unknown planet. Mills decides to take his own life, thinking he will not be able to get out of the place ever again. While on the verge of committing suicide, he sees another survivor. A small girl named Koa brings back the memories of his ill daughter.

Mills quickly feels connected to Koa. However, because of the language discrepancy, they cannot interact with each other efficiently. Even the translator that Mills brought with him is broken. However, their hearts quickly connect, which helps them communicate with each other, even though the language is different. While on the journey of survival, Koa gets concerned about her parents, who have died already, but Mills lies that they have survived and they are waiting for Koa up in the mountains.
After meeting Koa, Mills also gets to know that the escape shuttle of his spaceship is opened and is in the mountains, and if he manages to reach there, he can save both himself and Koa from the dangerous planet of environmental catastrophes and dinosaurs. He does not tell Koa anything about his plan and decides to take Koa to Somaris. While on the journey to reach the escape Shuttle, Koa and Mills come across many difficulties, which they conquer and save each other from dying.
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65 Movie Ending Explained
While saving himself and a little girl from dinosaurs and other monsters, Mills gets to know that his daughter has died, for whom he went on a mission. But Koa’s existence makes him realize his love for his daughter, and that is why he decides to save Koa from all the devastating situations to make it to the Shuttle, which can send them back to Somaris.
Koa gets to know that Mills has lied to her about her parents, which makes her angry, but Mills explains the whole situation about his daughter and his parents to her, which makes Koa overwhelmed. She then decides to be with Mills to return to his planet. However, their journey isn’t simple.

Even though they make it to the mountain, find the Shuttle, and get ready to escape, the Shuttle gets hit by an asteroid which makes them fall down the mountain, and in no time, Tyrannosaurus Rexes arrive at the place and start attacking them.
Mills gets out of the Shuttle and begins fighting the creatures. Mills soon kills all the Tyrannosaurus Rexes. However, he gets badly wounded and almost gets on the verge of losing his life. While dying, he remembers every moment with his family, especially with his daughter.
Koa, who does not want Mills to die this soon, holds his hand, and her touch brings him back to consciousness. As they have no time left because the giant asteroid is coming towards the surface of the planet, they quickly make their way towards the Shuttle and manage to escape from that dangerous planet, which is revealed to be Earth, from Cretaceous Period. When the asteroid hits the surface of the Earth, more than half of the life on the surface vanishes.
American Fiction-Thriller Film 65: Post-Credit Scene
In the post-credit of 65, we see the same place where Mills and Koa tried to survive, evolving through different eras and finally arriving in the year 2023, which is 65 million years later to the events of Koa, Mills, and the dinosaurs. In the post-credit scene, fans saw huge buildings on Earth and humanity evolving.
This post-credit opens up various possibilities about the evolution of human beings on Earth. As in the whole series, it was shown that Koa and Mills were the only human beings to exist on Earth right before the meteor hit and killed dinosaurs.
It can be a possibility that the whole of humankind on Earth is the descendent of Koa and Mills, who may have left something like DNA or cell back on Earth, which then evolved and gave rise to humans.
However, the post-credit scene has been kept ambiguous to let fans make their speculations. So, many possibilities can be made from the post-credit scene of 65, and even anticipations for the movie’s sequel can be made because no one knows what happens to Mills, Koa once they successfully reach their alive and their planet Somaris, 65 million years later.
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