It starts with the third series of the movie called Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets Of Dumbledore, which focuses on Albus Dumbledore, his journey as a Wizard before he was the headmaster of the most famous Wizarding World school, Hogwarts. The storyline revolves around Dumbledore and Scamander attempting to stop Drindlewald, the evil wizard from creating the pure-blood wizards to rule all over the non-magical world. The movie revolves around Dumbledore trying to stop Grindelwald with the help of Newt Scamander and one brave Muggle baker, the battle is to fight Grindelwald’s legion and the wait of how long can Dumbledore remain on the sidelines. The pact of this series is a follow-up of a blockbuster series, Harry Potter, but revolves around a very long time back approximately 70 years before the Harry Potter follows had ever begun.
This fantasy film was directed by David Yates and was premiered in London on 29 March 2022, it was theoretically released on 8 April 2022. The film had mixed reviews and was overall appreciated for the casting and storyline. The Harry Potter and wizard world fans had a treat with its release.
Fantastic Beast Plot: Dumbledore’s Secret
The film starts with a short meeting of Dumbledore and Grindelwald in the Muggle teashop, and both exchange their views about each other. Grindelwald also reveals how he wants to destroy the Muggle world, but Dumbledore denounces his plans as madness, as he tells him that he thought of it too when he was young and foolish. Grindelwald kills a Qilin, a magical creature in an attempt to harness the powers, but Newt saves the younger one of the twins, which no one knew about. Later, Dumbledore makes his army of wizards, out of which Yusuf Kama is planted as a spy in Grindelwald’s inner circle in Berlin, Germany. A lot happens in between meanwhile, Credence, son of Aberforth Dumbledore, brother of Albus Dumbledore fights his uncle who defeats him. He later questions his loyalty to Grindelwald.

All the wizards gather in Bhutan for the Qilin ritual, where Qilin selects a Supreme Mugwump. Grindelwald finds out that Dumbledore and Newt are smuggling surviving Qilin twin and then, through necromancy, reanimates the dead Qilin manipulating him to choose him for Supreme Mugwump.
Also Read: Will There Be a Fantastic Beasts 4? All That is Revealed So Far
Dumbledore: The Favorite?
Dumbledore has been the favorite character of so many people who have been following the Harry Potter series since the start. His character is witty yet polite, and kind. He is always seen striving for the best and does not compromise when it comes to the protection of the magical realm. The character is portrayed very naturally as he always tries to do the right thing and does everything in his power, but that does not mean that he always manages to do that, which is why these flaws have made the character seem more realistic.

Though most people who like watching Harry Potter find Dumbledore manipulative and evil, it’s basically because of the different perspectives to see things and judge people as. The audience did not like it when he just saved Time-Turner to only save Sirius and Buckbead but not anyone else. Some people had also reviewed Dumbledore, a fictitious character in an utterly fictitious world of magic who supported bullying at Hogwarts and let kids stay in school when the Chamber of Secrets was open, they also blamed him for not making the rules that were strict enough as students tried to evade places those were prohibited.
How Does Dumbledore Get The Elder Wand?
Dumbledore certainly couldn’t fight Grindelwald because of their blood pact, but he needed to ensure that he did not gain any more power. During the Qilin ritual, Grindelwald tries to manipulate one of the Qilin to choose him as the Supreme Mugwump but is furious when Santos is chosen as the Supreme mugwump. Enraged, Grindelwald tries to kill Credence by putting a killing curse on him, but he is protected by his father Aberforth Dumbledore, and his uncle Albus Dumbledore. The fight and clashing spells between Dumbledore and Grindelwald break their blood pact, Grindelwald disapparates, and the battle as an ensuing battle settles. Albus Dumbledore then takes the elder wand with him, and Aberforth accepts ailing Credence as his son.

The ending of the film wraps up with, Jacob and Queenie, marrying at a bakery in New York City. Newt sees Dumbledore watching from across the street. Dumbledore then, thanks Newt and disappears into the night. This is how he possesses that elder wand until his death.