The US president had a terrible fall off a bike while trying to dismount for a brief talk with the press. The nasty event occurred when the 79-year-old man was riding a bicycle near his home in Delaware. Wearing a helmet and gloves, he said he was fine, as he was quickly helped up by a team of his Secret Service details.
This incident is yet another of the recurrent —and frequent— mishaps and gaffes that the US leader often puts him in ridicule in front of the eyes of the world. Furthermore, the 79-year-old, who faces constant criticism for dozing off, not knowing his place, and making off-handed comments, seemed Okay. And the White House claims no medical attention was needed.

The US President Had A Terrible Fall Off A Bike In Delaware
While taking a lovely bike ride with First Lady Jill Biden off his house in Delaware, Joe Biden stopped to say hi to the press. When dismounting his bike, the 79-year-old politician had a nasty fall. The event propelled Secret Service agents and a press scramble to help the confused man up to his feet. “I’m good,” he said as he got up. President Biden said he’d lost his balance when addressing the situation after the incident to the press. He even took three hops and raised his fists in a weird-looking feat of strength.
Joe Biden Falls Off Bike:
Biden’s Health
Biden claims he lost his balance. But that’s not the only thing Biden’s lost since he’s taken the Oval Office. Because in November 2020, after winning the close-called election, the man had a broken foot while playing with his German shepherd. And although his doctors claim that his health is okay, his constant zoning out, off-handed remarks, falling asleep in public, and seeming carelessness for major issues affecting everyday Americans prove otherwise. Joe Biden might’ve hit the ground, but so has the economy, his approval ratings, and the general respect that major competitors and rival economies like China have for the country. But that’s another story for a different time.
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