An epic high fantasy novel, LOTR is one of the most famous book series of all time. Written by J.R.R. Tolkien, the books are set in Middle-Earth. It basically follows the characters who are on a quest to destroy the One Ring before it lands in the wrong hands. A high fantasy adventure series, these books are perfect for readers who are looking for quests, adventure, thrill, heroes, and villains.
It’s been a long time since these books were released and if you have already read them, then perhaps you’d like to recall your favorite moments from the series.
These are some of the best quotes from The Lord Of The Rings. Tell us which is your favorite quote from the series!
Also Read: Why Does Sam Call Frodo, ‘Mr. Frodo’ in Lord of the Rings?
“It’s a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don’t keep your feet, there’s no knowing where you might be swept off to.”

“It’s the job that’s never started as takes longest to finish.”

“Moonlight drowns out all but the brightest stars.”

“Some who have read the book, or at any rate have reviewed it, have found it boring, absurd, or contemptible, and I have no cause to complain, since I have similar opinions of their works, or of the kinds of writing that they evidently prefer.”

“So do all who live to see such times, but that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.”

“I want to be a healer, and love all things that grow and are not barren.”

“All’s well that ends better.”

“Pay heed to the tales of old wives. It may well be that they alone keep in memory what it was once needful for the wise to know.”

“Where there’s life there’s hope, and need of vittles.”

“But in the end it’s only a passing thing, this shadow; even darkness must pass.”

“And some things that should not have been forgotten were lost. History became legend. Legend became myth. And for two and a half thousand years, the Ring passed out of all knowledge.”

“I wonder,” said Frodo, “But I don’t know. And that’s the way of a real tale. Take any one that you’re fond of. You may know, or guess, what kind of a tale it is, happy-ending or sad-ending, but the people in it don’t know. And you don’t want them to.”

“A hunted man sometimes wearies of distrust and longs for friendship.”

“The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places.”

“Someone else always has to carry on the story.”

“Do not scorn pity that is the gift of a gentle heart, Éowyn!”

“Even the smallest person can change the course of the future.”

“His old life lay behind in the mists, dark adventure lay in front.”

“Deeds will not be less valiant because they are unpraised.”

“Yet such is oft the course of deeds that move the wheels of the world: small hands do them because they must, while the eyes of the great are elsewhere.”

“Fear nothing! Have peace until the morning! Heed no nightly noises!”

“Don’t adventures ever have an end? I suppose not. Someone else always has to carry on the story.”

“Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement. For even the very wise cannot see all ends.”

“Fantasy is escapist, and that is its glory. If a soldier is imprisoned by the enemy, don’t we consider it his duty to escape?”

“I’ll get there, if I leave everything but my bones behind.”

“Well, I am going back into the open air, to see what the wind and sky are doing!”

“He drew a deep breath. ‘Well, I’m back,’ he said.

“I have passed through fire and deep water, since we parted. I have forgotten much that I thought I knew, and learned again much that I had forgotten.”

“Let us remember that a traitor may betray himself and do good that he does not intend.”

“Over the field rang his clear voice calling: ‘Death! Ride, ride to ruin, and the world’s ending!”

“Real names tell you the story of the things they belong to.”

“I wished to be loved by another, but I desire no man’s pity.”

“But you speak of Master Gandalf, as if he was in a story that had come to an end.’ ‘Yes, we do,’ said Pippin sadly. ‘The story seems to be going on, but I am afraid Gandalf has fallen out of it.”

“Who knows? Have patience. Go where you must go, and hope!”

“I am Aragorn son of Arathorn; and if by life or death I can save you, I will.”

“Well, I’ve made up my mind, anyway. I want to see mountains again, Gandalf – mountains; and then find somewhere where I can rest.”

“Yet dawn is ever the hope of men,’ said Aragorn.”

“I don’t know half of you half as well as I should like; and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve.”

“If that’s being queer, then we could do with a bit more queerness in these parts.”

“Be bold, but wary! Keep up your merry hearts, and ride to meet your fortune!”

“It is not despair, for despair is only for those who see the end beyond all doubt. We do not. It is wisdom to recognize necessity, when all other courses have been weighed, though as folly it may appear to those who cling to false hope.”

“Memory is not what the heart desires. That is only a mirror.”

“One who cannot cast away a treasure at need is in fetters. You did rightly.”

“May your beer be laid under an enchantment of surpassing excellence for seven years!”

“But there, my friends, songs like trees bear fruit only in their own time and their own way: and sometimes they are withered untimely.”

“Elves and Dragons! I says to him. Cabbages and potatoes are better for me and you.”

“For still there are so many things that I have never seen: in every wood in every spring there is a different green. I sit beside the fire and think of people long ago, and people who will see a world that I shall never know.”

“You have shown your usual cunning in getting up just in time for a meal.”

“Worst is a bad word,” I said to him, “and I hope you do not live to see it.”

“The great storm is coming, but the tide has turned.”

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