Why Does Nobody Remember Me in This World? explores the gripping narrative from Kei Sazane’s fantasy light novel series, centered around Kai, a member of the Human Protection Agency. Tasked with sealing away races that once threatened humanity, Kai’s dedication contrasts with a world now enjoying a century of peace, oblivious to past conflicts.
As Kai remains vigilant, reminiscent of the legendary “Prophet Sid,” a sudden upheaval occurs during a routine outing with his childhood friend Jeanne. Known as the “World Reincarnation,” this event transforms their reality, leaving Kai mysteriously forgotten.
The anime reveals its allure with a charming new trailer and artwork by manga illustrator Arikan and the exhilarating opening theme “Sekai Rinne” by Unlucky Morpheus. Scheduled to premiere on July 13, 2024, Why Does Nobody Remember Me in This World? will debut on TOKYO MX, followed by BS Asahi, Kansai TV, and AT-X broadcasts.
Directed by Tatsuma Minamikawa at Animation Studio Project No. 9, the series stars Shoya Chiba as Kai, Sakura Vento as Rinne, and Kana Ichinose as Jeanne E. Anise, promising an enthralling exploration into mysteries of memory and reality.