If you are a WWE fan, you must be obsessed with the fights they have. It is possibly one of the biggest sports entertainment shows out there. WWE shows the fans everything ranging from big heavy dudes lifting and throwing each other to other smaller wrestlers who specialize in high-flying moves. Everyone who watches WWE is entertained and knows how hard it is to be inside that ring and perform all those moves.
Undoubtedly, all the moves and skills performed in the ring are tough, and it requires some of the most elite and trained athletes to execute them. One such big name in the WWE industry who was a master of agility and aerial moves was Sin Cara. If you have been a WWE fan for quite a while or even one of those who used to watch WWE as a kid, chances are that you have already heard of this name.
Remember watching Sin Cara inside the ring performing all the cool moves that always left the audience in shock? Sin Cara was certainly one of the most talented athletes WWE has ever seen, and chances are they will not be able to sign a wrestler like that for quite a long time.

Although many other athletes have tried to step into the ring and take Sin Cara’s place, the fandom of the masked athlete is too loyal and big to take over. Many have tried and failed to replace Sin Cara. Sin Cara executed each move to perfection and was amazing inside the ring. Watching Sin Cara fight was entertaining, and he really had what it takes to be a great WWE superstar.
Sin Cara was a master of aerial moves. During his time in the WWE, we saw him fight many big names, including the one and only John Cena and Cesaro. Sin Cara was a showman, and everything he did was fabulous. The athlete always added a bit of glam to the character, and all that showmanship and glam made people like Sin Cara cheer for him.
You may also remember that in 2019 Sin Cara vanished from the WWE community. We did not see the masked man again. WWE did not give the fans any explanations as to why Sin Cara suddenly stopped appearing, and his storyline was also left incomplete. The fans were left wondering, and no one knew what the reason behind Sin Cara’s sudden disappearance was.

There are a lot of stories and secrets related to Sin Cara that many don’t know to this date. One such secret is that Sin Cara was actually played by not one but two different athletes. Sounds interesting? So, if you also want to know the full story of Sin Cara and where did he go, then we can help you find out everything about your favorite wrestler.
The story of Sin Cara
Most people may not know, but Sin Cara was played by not one but two different athletes. Both of them were talented and gave WWE a lot of great moments, but in the end, both had to be released from the main roster. So, What went down between the athletes and the organization? Why was such a big name removed from WWE? Let us find out.
The original Sin Cara
Sin Cara was introduced in the WWE’s main roster on February 24, 2011. The character at that time was played by Luis Ignacio Urive Alvirde. He was born on December 2022, 1982. Luis was a new name in the WWE, but he was not new to wrestling. Before coming to the WWE, Luis was a wrestler in Mexico.
Luis was a star in the CMLL and was known as Mistico. WWE soon saw the wrestler’s potential and signed him, after which Luis played several matches. He suffered many injuries and had to rest for a while. The wrestler gave his sweat and blood to the show while he was there.

On July 17, 2011, Luis was temporarily suspended from WWE for violating the wellness program. Luis claimed that he was not using any kind of substances and did not know what he tested positive for. His claims were not considered, and the athlete was suspended for 30 days.
Luis was a master of aerial moves, which demanded perfection; even a small mistake could result in disaster. Luis got injured again and again. This became a problem for WWE as he could not use his talent to the fullest. The athlete was skilled; WWE believed that he had potential, but sadly, Luis could not use it. He was not able to achieve the heights they expected.
Apart from the injuries, Luis and WWE had a lot of issues. They reportedly said that Luis’s fighting style did not match WWE. It is not only what happened backstage but in front of the fans that made WWE release Luis. During his time as Sin Cara, Luis made a lot of mistakes, there is no doubt that he was an expert, but in the world of WWE, you have to deliver a live performance flawlessly, which could be challenging even for the best of the bests.

Luis made many errors, and there were a lot of videos of him making a fool of himself in front of a live audience. These mistakes caused them to receive a lot of backlash from the fans. One of the biggest problems that Sin Cara and WWE had was that Luis refused to learn English. This was a major obstacle as it prevented Luis from talking to the fans. He always needed someone to translate his sentences.
Not being able to speak English also meant that Luis could only be put in the ring with some particular wrestlers, as he was not able to communicate with his opponents. Finally, WWE concluded that they could no longer work with Luis, and on March 27, 2014, WWE announced that they had released Sin Cara on March 26, 2014.
What happened to Luis after WWE
Although Luis left the WWE, it did not mean that his wrestling career was over. After being released from the WWE, Luis went on to sign a deal with Lucha Libre AAA Worldwide. He began fighting for the AAA, and Luis announced his new character in the ring, Mysteziz.
Mysteziz was similar to Sin Cara. He wore a mask and fought in the same manner as Sin Cara did. Luis played this character for a few months when finally, on October 12, AAA announced that Luis was no longer a part of the AAA community and would be taking his talents somewhere else.
Luis then joined the Lucha Libre Elite and independent circuit, where he adopted the name Mistic 2.0 but later switched it to Caristico. The name Caristico was a combination of the names Sin Cara and Mistico, representing Luis’s past. When Luis joined Lucha Libre Elite and the independent circuit, they were also working closely with the CMLL, which allowed Luis to return to CMLL and work for them and the Lucha Libre Elite and independent circuit simultaneously.

Luis was welcomed into the CMLL with open arms. He returned a hero and played a lot of matches there. Luis was a big name in Mexico. Thus, he was well respected and praised in the CMLL and LLE. Even after CMLL parted ways with LLE, Calistico remained a part of both organizations and made regular appearances in their rings.
The second Sin Cara
The second Sin Cara came into action after Luis was released from the WWE. The new Sin Cara was played by José Jorge Arriaga Rodriguez, who was not new to the WWE world. Fans already knew Arriaga as he used to be in the ring by the name of Hunico. Arriaga’s time at WWE was certainly longer compared to Luis, and he played the role of Sin Cara from 2014 to 2019.

Arriaga fought a lot of matches at WWE, winning some and losing others. His time there was well, and being able to speak English made him a better choice. Although WWE and Arriaga did not have any beef between them, he still had to go. In 2019 Arriaga was told that Sin Cara’s character was dead and was not needed by the organization any longer. This led to Arriaga announcing his release from the WWE in December 2019.
What happened to Arriaga after WWE?
After announcing his departure from WWE, Arriaga went back to Mexico, where he joined Lucha Libre AAA Worldwide. Arriaga made a surprise entry in the ring and left the audience shaken. He later changed his name to “Cinta De Oro,” which translates to “Golden Ribbon.” The reason for doing so was to keep alive the legacy of the original performer, who died in 2016.
Arriaga was permitted to take on the name by the original Cinta De Oro’s sons. He started working for the AAA under the gimmick and has been doing so to this day. The Sin Cara that we saw in WWE had a lot of troubles, stories, and secrets. Both the athletes playing the character were extremely talented, but sadly the character did not fit in the WWE and had to be released.
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