Chronicles Of The Martial God’s Return manga is originally in Korean. It has a story by Myosu, and the art is drawn by Leopeu. It is heavily based on action, adventure, drama, magic, martial arts, comedy, and fantasy. It is centered around the genre of Wuxia.
The manhua follows Dan Woo Hyun. People feared that he was too strong to be contained. So to keep themselves safe from Dan Woo Hyun and to keep Dan Woo Hyun safe from themselves, they locked and sealed him up using a very powerful spell.
Thousand years after this happened, the seal on him was released, and he is now free. However, Hyun does not feel so; he now has no purpose in life and feels he lacks meaning in life. He kept roaming the streets. One such day a small hand reaches out to him. In front of him appears a child who seems to have a dumpling for him to eat.
She offers it to him without any hesitation or without knowing who he is or what kind of person he is. Hyun realizes that he has experienced something he had never before, so he decides to look for the purpose and meaning of his life.

Chronicles Of The Martial God’s Return Chapter 52 Recap
In the previous chapter, which is chapter 52, Dan Woo Hyun and another person accompanying him continue to crawl through a narrow tunnel. While the person who is accompanying him is just wishing that he could go back home and relax, he can do nothing to get out of the situation soon.
They continue to crawl down the path only to find a drawing that appears to point them toward the direction they have to go towards. Since Hyun has reached the patience limit he has, he breaks the wall instead, even though he risks the cave falling apart completely.
So he breaks the wall using his powers, only to find that they both have reached the same place where they started at. So he tells his follower not to utter a word since both of them are at their limits. Hyun then spots the Lion statute and breaks, and they find a box in the statute; they open it to find a dud note.
The scene skips to Yeon and Woon, who is injured by enemies; Hyun appears and destroys the enemies of Yeon and Woon with a few blows to them. Yeon and Woon wonder from where such a skilled person has appeared in front of them.
Hyun questions them about the whereabouts of Geum Wangsu, and both Yeon and Woon are surprised and taken aback by Hyun’s question. It appears as if they know something about this, and they have to answer properly, or else Hyun might end their lives then and there.
Chronicles Of The Martial God’s Return Chapter 53, Spoilers
The upcoming chapter, that is chapter 53, continues to where Chapter 52, where Hyun saved the Murim alliance chief strategist Jaegal Woon and his daughter Jaegal Yeon who was in danger. He then questions them about the where about of Geum Wangsu, which we expect them to answer honestly as they know how powerful Hyun is.
Chronicles Of The Martial God’s Return Chapter 53, Release date
Chronicles Of The Martial God’s Return will soon be returning to us with a new update, that is Chapter 53 pretty soon. You can refer to the following schedule to find out the exact date and time of release on the official platform:
- EST (Eastern Standard Time): 10:33 PM on 5th June 2023
- PST (Pacific Standard Time): 7:33 PM on 5th June 2023
- CST (Central Standard Time): 9:33 PM on 5th June 2023
- JST (Japan Standard Time): 8:33 AM on 6th June 2023
- KST (Korean Standard Time): midnight on 6th June 2023
- GMT (Greenwich Mean Time): 2:33 AM on 5th June 2023
- IST (India Standard Time): 6:03 AM on 5th June 2023
- PKST (Pakistan Standard Time): 5:33 AM on 5th June 2023
- CET (Central European Time): 4:33 AM on 5th June 2023
- ACD (Australian Central Daylight Time): 11:03 AM on 6th June 2023
Chronicles Of The Martial God’s Return Chapter 53, Where to read
Chronicles Of The Martial God’s Return is available on the Korean Kakao platform. You can head to Kakao to find Chapter 53 and the other chapters.
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