Satoru Gojo, the most robust character of Jujutsu Kisan, is now sealed away in the Prison Realm. Kenjaku (Pseudo-Geto) is an ancient evil sorcerer, he wants to destroy the non-curse users entirely to make a world purely of curse spirits and curse users, and Satoru is one of the biggest obstacles in his plans.
Kenjaku came to know the true strength of Satoru Gojo and gladly accepted his inferiority. He knows that they can never kill Satoru Gojo but defeat him, so they decide to seal away Gojo for once and forever.
But how is it even possible? Gojo is the strongest curse user in history. Is there any cursed tool or anything that can really contain his presence? To that, the answer is yes. Prison Realm is a special-grade curse tool that works as a living barrier. It was made with the final remains of a Buddhist monk named Genshin. Prison Realm can seal away anything and everything if certain conditions are met.
To trap anyone in Prison Realm, the person to be trapped must be kept in a four-meter square for one minute straight in front of the open gate of the Prison Realm. But it is nearly impossible to force Gojo to do anything moreover for one minute. Kenjaku and his special grade curse team came up with a plan.

Plan to Seal Gojo?
The plan began with isolating Gojo. Kenjaku draws a veil all over Shibuya. Gojo, being Gojo, infiltrated the veil and reached an underground basement where the citizens were held captive. Phase two of the plan begins in the basement, the sole purpose of which is to distract Gojo until the preparations are done to seal him away.
Jogo, Hanami, and Choso, all special grade curses, are given the task of stalling for time. They all together began attacking Gojo and were pulverized by him. Gojo used his Infinity against Hanami, destroying him almost completely. Then he chased after Jogo when suddenly a train filled with transfigured humans and Mahito approached him.
All of that, but they were nowhere near defeating Gojo. He single-handedly outmaneuvered all of them. But then again defeating him was not the plan, to begin with, all of this was to just one opening in Gojo’s defense.
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Transfigured humans begin to kill the civilians, which made Gojo think, why now. They held them captive till now and suddenly started a massacre, all of this doesn’t make sense.
Amid the battle, Gojo used his domain expansion for 0.2 seconds, which knocked out all the civilians unconscious. Now he can easily distinguish between transfigured humans and civilians and obliterate them.

Gojo was having fun with life when an eye-shaped wall appeared in front of him. Prison Realm summoned! On top of that, Kenjaku (Pseudo-Geto) appeared from the back, which surprised Gojo. He killed his friend Geto after the events of Jujutsu Kisan 0. Kenjaku (an ancient curse) took over his body to revive himself as Pseudo-Geto.
Gojo was shocked seeing the person killed by his own hands standing in front of him. Gojo stood there confused and got sucked into the Prison Realm in a cubical box. Now he is stuck in the prison realm.
When will Gojo Return?
Is Gojo going to break the seal? In any case, there are only two ways to open the Prison Realm seal. First, to the front gate of the seal is next to impossible, or opening the rear gate of the seal. The rear gate is enchanted by Master Tengen. The enchantment can be broken only by two objects that, unfortunately, Gojo destroyed himself in the past, Miguel’s Black Rope or the Inverted Spear of Heaven.
In any case, if anyone wants to Gojo free again, he must obtain the Prison Realm. The box is now in Kenjaku’s hands, and it will not be easy for anyone to obtain it from him. The bottom line is that there is still some time after which we can see our favorite character Gojo again in play.
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