Is Sakura Stronger than Tsunade? This is impossible to imagine, she has gotten little to no training throughout the series, and any power-up she has gotten is almost non-existent. But if it were true, that would fail the purpose of Naruto’s theme. One of the main themes is the new generation outgrowing the old generation, and we see that happen in a lot of cases. Sure, Sasuke and Naruto were clear examples in this category, as they developed properly and intricately. The plot followed along with the intent to put against each other. And their fights throughout the series showed us how much they have grown, but Sakura had no such thing. And yet she did quite well against Kaguya without having any quirks on her. So the question, Is Sakura Stronger than Tsunade, becomes quite natural.
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Is Sakura Stronger Than Tsunade?
Sakura has been one of the backbenchers in getting power-ups. It was partly due to her unpopularity and then the loss of interest of Kishimoto as the plot went on. And Kishimoto did try his best to make the character sine, but she never took off and ended up being hated by fans. That is not to say she did not improve whatsoever. But that was not Kishimoto’s intent; he did his best work on her and gave her progress whenever he could. Though he knew he couldn’t make her do direct fights, he did so by proxy to show her growth. In terms of Chakra manipulation, she is in a league of her own. It has impressed several people, including the first Hokage himself. Moreover, she learned about Tsunade’s seal at a young age, and she doesn’t have to use it to maintain her appearance. Which gives her quite an edge over the fifth Hokage.

Tsunade is considered strong because of the battle she fought. She had participated in multiple of them, so we know what her capabilities are. She held herself against Madara even when he was overpowering the five pages. She fought well in the third Shinobi war and led the charge in the shinobi during the fourth one. However, she falls short in some are that make Sakura stronger than Tsunade. Tsunade’s Byakugou seal is used to keep her in prime, but she can’t use it to boost her power like Sakura. She also only relies on his strengthening type Jutsu to fight, which did put her on par with Madara, but Sakura can use Genjutsu as well. But, where Tsunade was struggling with Madara, Sakura was able to hold herself against Kaguya and even broke one of her horns.

What is The Final Verdict?
The main intention of Kishimoto was to develop her with Sasuke and Naruto during the plot. But the opportunity never presented itself, so he dropped the plan, though he kept some of it. Kishimoto made sure to give her time to shine whenever he could. And if we are to compare Sakura and Tsunade’s fights (Tsunade has more fights), Sakura comes out on top.
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