New trends are always coming on social media. TikTok is a quite popular social media platform. There are so many strange viral trends going popular on it right now. Some recent trends include gabbing, hacks, and many others.
TikTok is full of humorous and funny videos, dance and music videos, viral hack videos, original newer ideas, etc. Every now and then, a new trend emerges, and then we notice our feed is full of those trends till they become obsolete. There are new abbreviations, too, for the newer trends that are being used for different purposes.
Right now, a new word called “zesty” has become a viral trend on TikTok. When you hear the strange term for the first time, it seems to be coined from the word “zest”; that’s what first always comes to mind. Zest is directly related to citrus fruits like lemons or an orange, where zest is used to describe the outer peel of the fruit.
What does Zesty mean on TikTok?
On Tik Tok, “Zesty” is usually used to describe anything which has all the exhilarating, enthusiastic, and energetic vibes. The slang has been made more popular since it’s quite open-ended. The slang can be used in any type of video to describe someone, something, or even a trend!

Naturally, we’re used to hearing the word “zesty” in relation to food. However, the original term and the new TikTok meaning aren’t that dissimilar. It’s possible for your food to be zesty, isn’t it? You can argue that spicy cuisine is more exhilarating and “thrilling” to taste than.
Zesty could be used to describe anything that seems interesting or that someone has put extra effort into. The slang term’s broad definition has helped it become well-known because it isn’t tied to any one genre of movie.
What popular videos feature the term?
Zesty is not just limited to a small number of videos. It encompasses a broad category of videos. It isn’t just all about a single genre. There is a video where a group of men can be seen singing in the toilet that belongs to the zesty category. Then there is a video of a football defender falling down on the ground that again belongs to the category of zesty.
There are many more besides these. Broadly saying, zesty is used to define anything that is thrilling and funny. Something that is entertaining to the audience and amazing can be categorized as zesty; hence it doesn’t just get limited to a specific genre of videos.
Similarly, another word, “spicy,” has gone off on TikTok too. Spicy, as the name suggests, was initially used to describe foods that were too hot to handle. But going along with newer trends, the word has found newer meanings and contexts. It is now also used to describe several short videos with different circumstances and contexts.

What are the other Tik Tok slangs which are popular?
It may be possible that you are new to this app and not familiar with the number of slang or phrases. Well, we got you! A few of the most trending slang on TikTok are Karen( anyone who is stubborn), Lit (or fire), Flex (showing off), Vibe Check (getting the same vibes from anyone), or CEO ( anyone who is good at something)
There are so many new terms and trends being coined every day now that it’s almost impossible to keep up with them on a daily basis. Unless it’s you who’s coined the term or you use it on a frequent basis, it’s literally impossible to keep up.
Also Read: What Does IMSG Mean On Tiktok? Social Media Lingo Explained