While some people might just have joined the Fanclub of Survivor after watching one season, some have already binged many, but they still have a question: Is there any better season they are missing out on? Well, maybe, and all you need is a list of all the seasons of the survivor series ranked.
Don’t worry. We have not included any spoilers in this list. We will be ranking all the seasons of the series from worst to best or 42 to 1 in our-“survivor seasons ranked no spoilers.” To the newcomers, a quick rundown of the show’s premise is a must, so here it goes.
The show’s concept is to lock seventeen to twenty individuals who are strangers to each other in a distant location without access to food or modern conveniences. For 40 days, these competitors will be subjected to obstacles and physical and emotional exhaustion.
The people on the island, separated into groups dubbed “tribes,” must build a new civilization while fending off the storms and one another. The tribe that misses an immunity challenge every several days will send one of its members off the planet at the tribal council.
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What is the format of Survivor?
Somewhere from Sixteen to twenty, people will be stranded in a harsh environment and separated into groups, “tribes.” The basic sixteen-island template, as per Jeff Probst, is used to help audiences get to know every contender better; however, Probst clarified that in periods with more than sixteen contenders.
The enlarged cast would be given “leeway” in case of unparalleled events like healthcare evacuation orders and consensual exits. The clans would then travel to their tents, which they’d stay in for 40 days after receiving a certain number of equipment and provisions.
Typically, these only consist of a blade, a frying kettle, and water canteens. Competitors may only receive a small amount of food during certain seasons, including bananas and grains. If not, they must rely on natural wildlife for food.
These communities must also participate in “trials,” in which they must contend over either the ability to remain for an extra cycle of weeks or creature comforts like more resources, food, or affection from family or Reward Challenges and Immunity tasks.
Tribal Council is an eviction ritual where the acts of the tribe that lost the Immunity Challenge will be considered. The tribe casts its ballots, and the player who gets the most votes—a democratic majority is not required—is out of the game.
On rare occasions, a twist may be introduced that gives previously eliminated islanders a chance to return to the game at a specified time. The tribes will eventually be combined into one last tribe in which they will compete individually as opposed to the tribal stage when tasks are won by teamwork.
The merger often kicks off the judgment stage in later series, where the evicted contestants return to future Tribal Councils to finally determine which of the last two or three would win the championship of Victor and the associated $1 million reward at the Last Tribal Council.
43 – Nicaragua or Season 21
Nicaragua was, according to many viewers, a total drag. The Purple Rock crew no longer agrees that this is the worst campaign they have ever experienced, but it’s borderline. This was the worst Survivor series ever, with a poor selection, a bad premise, and a lousy winner.
Rarely some Survivor fans may claim that they did enjoy this series, demonstrating they belong to a higher fan class than the rest. But those who skipped the show that year were the luckiest.
42 – Thailand or Season 5
This year also had a case of unwelcome physical contact, making it a contender for the least likable cast of all time. There were some notable tasks in Thailand, including one that stands out because of the cast’s abject depravity and among the most intriguing final elimination tests in the show’s history.
Despite the winner’s great performance compared to the opposition, the whole season was a snooze fest.
41 – South Pacific or Season 23
This a significant improvement for a disastrous season, as South Pacific rises in the standings due to Worlds Apart’s continued decline. This season’s ensemble had a few standout characters, but overall the number of unlikeable characters that you nearly forgot about the good ones. The gimmick failed in this instance just as much as it did initially.

It was utilized, and the two existing players for this term could have been better picks. The season’s victor accomplished everything required to secure, but it didn’t improve the ear’s installment’s entertainment worth.
40 – World’s Apart or Season 30
An initially intriguing cast soon fell flat, and the rest of the season was tedious. This season has an unpleasant occurrence similar to those in Thailand, including All. Only the introduction of the lineup for the upcoming season saves the terrible reunion episode.
39 – Redemption Island or Season 22
Although the group is less than mediocre, it is bolstered by two returning cast members who are among the most well-liked Survivor contestants ever. Although it makes sense why it was used, the concept for this year could have been better received and significantly dragged down the entire season. Even though it provides dull and routine entertainment, this year stands out because of the overpowering effort by the champion.
38 – Gabon or Season 17
From a strategic viewpoint, one of the worst Survivor lineups ever. It was so terrible that Jeff Probst almost resigned from his role as presenter. The lineup did not know how to play, and they were playing as if they were being a dictator.

37 – Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers or Season 35
A poor and astonishingly incompetent cast for yet another season was in this one. The season was so uninteresting that they used Jeff Probst’s narration of a task to advertise one of the shows by inviting you to check in and hear him reference different Foo Fighters tunes.
The group is at least friendly, and the show contains one rather effective strategic play. But, after looking at the entire season, it becomes clear that the huge move seems more about poorly knowing how the system functions than it was about unique gaming. You’ll probably forget everything about this season fairly quickly after finishing it.
36 – Survivor 43
The cast decided to operate in defense mode for whatever reason after the more outrageous creative parts were gratefully cut. And it’s not like we lacked exciting people who wished to try; Cody and Karla were all excellent players who should be allowed to play again.

However, with so few memorable moments, this season remains in the middle of our rankings. It might have gone up a bit if any of the favorites had won. The winner was also controversial, to put it mildly.
35 – Island of the Idols or Season 39
The “entertainers” of the title, two video game superstars, are back to instruct the ensemble. The cast holds promise, and the coach’s concept is silly fun. The first half section of the match is entertaining and gives hope for the tournament’s future. The producing team’s efforts waste that possibility, which kills the excitement of seeing the second half.
34 – Ghost Island or Season 36
A lovely cast takes part in a season’s worth of benefits. There are some players with a reasonable understanding of tactics here and one fantastic casting discovery. The series has numerous allusions to past tournaments of Survivors, so viewing it will give you a spoiler with some of the more notable episodes of the show’s history.
This season comprises a collection first; however, even though it is intriguing to see how it plays out, it can’t help this season rise above the lower echelons.
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33 – One World or Season 24
Some may contend that the season is chock full of bad players. However, the truth is that the work from one of the show’s most powerful champions makes the cast appear to be just filler. Unexpectedly, a bunch of teams from this season have returned, whether they deserved it or not.

32 – Game Changers or Season 34
A homecoming player campaign, which includes some of the finest and most adored players ever, falls short of expectations. The season’s plot suffers from too many twists and turns, and there is an event that is difficult to see and can be upsetting to some people.

The winner of that game is a very good game, and there are a few great incidents along the road. When seeing this one with returning participants, there might be spoilers for earlier seasons.
31 – Vanuatu or Season 9
It’s very challenging to analyze this season without giving anything away. This season’s selection was well below average, despite some promising moments. This season’s marketing ploy was one that the program had previously employed, but it worked reasonably well and established a storyline for the second half of the season.

30 – Edge of Extinction or Season 38
It’s easier to explain this campaign by offering up key aspects. Even though the series tried its hardest to make the concept succeed, it was always doomed to disappoint. There have been some funny parts, the ensemble is great, the old players are okay, and the play is alright. But watching your old favorite players play again and lose is not fine.

29 – Africa or Season 3
This year struggles more than any other because of where it is. Survivor’s latest season focused on forcing its contestants to endure challenging conditions to establish their legitimacy as “surviving victims.”

They soon discovered that the most entertaining aspect of the program does not see sluggish folks die slowly. This year has produced several players who will likely be remembered, but there was also an event early on that was exacerbated by the prejudice of certain players.
28 – Marquesas or Season 4
For that, as well as having one of the greatest storylines of the first few episodes of the series, the year that gave our podcast its name gets some extra credit. Also, some early shoes in this season’s lineup have outstanding performances. However, the earlier-mentioned plot line stops well before the season’s finale, and after that, the program lumbers to the end zone.

27 – All Stars or Season 8
For the very first time, the program invited back previous participants for what turned out to be an all-star campaign. This year, the large bulk of the athletes were incredibly well-liked and, as a result, had enormous egos. There is also a case of unwanted touching this season, but it is not effectively dealt with. Although the gameplay could be better compared to earlier seasons, be ready for a fierce final village council.

26 – Samoa or Season 19
This season has caused a lot of controversies, which is understandable. From the viewpoint of the game, fascinating things occur here, using certain tips and techniques we hadn’t frequently seen before. One player comes to mind while thinking of this season and how you believe about it. Participants will influence how you rank this season. The show was about that person, and the only option was not to say about the rest of the cast.

25 – Caramoan or Season 26
Since it’s difficult to categorize a lot of the veteran players in this situation as “favorites,” and a lot of the “lovers” would still not fall under that category either, this year didn’t attempt to persuade the “fan groups vs. absolute favorites” angle.

The first half segment of the play is subpar to terrible, but the second half of the show’s episodes are incredibly compelling and unforgettable. This year’s champion plays a great game, and a number of the veteran players are one of our favorites.
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24 – San Juan Del Sur: Blood vs. Water 2 or Season 29
People love to say that we underrate this era. There are contestants in a regular Survivor episode that were effectively cast as filler. They are indeed the first half episodes chosen for the function; they would fill on the show instead because they would make outstanding players. The season’s roster consists of around majorly fodder.

It’s challenging to look beyond how unattractive this roster is, but the season does grow more intriguing after the merging and has a fantastic winner. After successfully utilizing the lifeblood vs. water idea the first time, the production team became overly attached to it, resulting in some unwise decisions.
23 – Guatemala or Season 11
The season had a good cast that included two players from the prior season. The cast includes several well-known actors, the setting for the drama is intriguing, and we get to see the original version of a game aspect that is now commonplace. Although the victor of the program could be more spectacular, the route to success was intriguing.

22 – Kaoh Rong or season 32
This year features two new game changes while bringing back the structure of one of Survivor’s strongest seasons. The ensemble is passably strong and features numerous standout performers. It’s a fun season, with a few unlucky mishaps that interfere with the action.

21 – Fiji or Season 14
Fiji is a subject on which we might ramble for hours. But it was not entertaining. However, it’s hardly the worst year, either. With a few exceptional exceptions, this season’s cast is mostly awful, but it also tries every twist and gimmick under the sun to see what could work. Even when it fails, the failure is spectacular and intriguing. Even the series is among the best the series has ever had.

20 – Panama or Season 12
This edition of Survivor has always been regarded as the average season, but we don’t mean that disparagingly; if a year is superior to Panama. Perhaps one of Survivor’s important discoveries is in this cast, along with a few other intriguing characters who keep the year fascinating.

The basic idea here is one that the program would use for several years till it ran out of gas in Gabon, but the game is nearly more fascinating for what will not really occur than what happens.
19 – Survivor 41 or Season 41
This is the inaugural group that fits the series’ new guidelines for ethnic and racial diversity, the season is limited to nearly 27 days to meet epidemic regulations, and there’s no geographical designation or gimmicks in the show’s title.

This season has a few fresh innovations, some of which are intriguing additions and others that are largely ineffective. The cast is also strong, with intriguing and poor gaming parts, although some of the storylines don’t feel completely developed.
18 – The Australian Outback or Season 2
It isn’t easy to evaluate this season because it occurred so long ago fully. Theoretically, nothing revolutionary happened; Survivor still needed to figure out whether it was a competition or a story about a group of people living. The company is strong; more than half have returned for subsequent seasons, and several are still well-remembered.

17 – Blood vs. Water or Season 27
This season’s combination of relatives and returning participants create simple emotional moments from which Jeff Probst can draw the tears of love he requires to keep his youthful look. Survivor argues that two of the three contestants were cast solely to get their spouses on the program; thus, the roster is still excellent even with their removal.

The blood vs. water theme leads to a fascinating strategy, including the precise circumstance that the Survivor creators had in mind when they were developing this series. Given how the groups are organized, the season’s name will need to be clarified.
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16 – Survivor 42 or Season 42
This series, the second of the two that were shot consecutively amid pandemic limitations, lasts only 27 days. The cast is well-chosen, with many well-known actors offering engaging plays or presences. Even if they unfold somewhat differently this time, the surprises are mainly a replay of those from the season prior.

The next half of episodes are typically extremely dull and uninspired, but after-merge episodes significantly elevate the season. The victor also puts on a strong show at the last tribal council.
15 – Borneo or Season 1
The show features Jeff Probst serving as the narrator, and most of the cast dislikes the notion of voting somebody out. However, that’s also the series that defines Survivor as somebody else immediately recognizes that it is only a game. And that epiphany inspires what has evolved into the lone tactic used in every episode of Survivor. Although if we didn’t think so at the moment, this season’s champion is fantastic.

14 – The Amazon or Season 6
There are numerous incidences of sexism, according to the season’s topic. This season contains a surprising amount of technique for such a young season if you can stand it. A former contestant who later created his Survivor podcasts is also featured on Amazon.com. This season earned its ranking based on several standout instances of play and humor, despite the fairly ordinary acting and the uneven storyline of victor.

13 – Millennials vs. Gen X or Season 33
This piece’s concept, inspired by a hit piece on how youngsters spoil everything, is essentially just “old vs. young.” The season features multiple interesting storylines, pleasant player exchanges, tough and unrepentant play, and a few mouthwatering tears that Probst likes so much.

12 – Tocantins or Season 18
Among the debut seasons, this one boasts one of the strongest casts. Some players have come back to play again, and there is a diverse range of interesting personas. Although the technique is a little underwhelming, and there are few twists or shocks, the season more than compensates for it with humor and a cast of characters you’ll likely find yourself rooting for regardless of who wins this season.

11 – Palau or Season 10
Significant obstacles, a strong cast, a unique approach to begin the play, and multiple excellent storylines are just a few of Palau’s many positive attributes. Each of those elements combines to create a compelling final season that leaves viewers with a strong winner.

10 – China or Season 15
The amazing location-related theming of Survivor’s season 15, named China, which many previous Survivor series strangely lack, only enhances the cast’s capacity to stand out. While this may not come across as a big thing when viewing this season, it lifts it and makes it more thrilling and fascinating. Survivor: China dives all in on the Asian locale, incorporating prizes and challenges based around the nation.

China also has a remarkable winner who offers amazing gameplay and is a remarkably underappreciated character throughout the competition. This season’s plan may not be quite as intricate as some others. However, this fact may work to the season’s advantage because it may make it simpler to follow. Additionally, a season’s plan need not be complicated to be captivating, which is what Survivor’s China’s approach is.
9 – David vs. Goliath or Season 37
This season stands out in the middle of a very poor run of seasons, the worst slump the series has experienced since its worst point. This game features excellent acting, one of the most amusing performers in a long period, and interesting and clever gameplay. The series readily transcends its extremely cheesy title because even the relatively small individuals have something to contribute.

8 – Cook Islands or Season 13
This season’s division of the tribes into four groups due to race is a very stupid one that is swiftly dropped. The fact that Survivor was compelled to assemble a more varied cast due to this ploy had the greatest impact, and the cast as a whole benefited.

At least one series has been played by a quarter of the ensemble. It also offers the unique chance to witness in-depth tactical discussion amongst players and one of the most engaging tales the program has ever had. Well before the last council, where the winning player is decided, there is a humorous scene in the climax.
7 – Philipines or Season 25
By providing us with a solid ensemble and a trio of veteran players whom we were even delighted to see again—Philippines saved Survivor from the four installments slump. A fantastic victor, good narration and storytelling along the way, and only enough cunning and plotting to keep the fans interested in the games are all present.

6 – Micronesia: Fans vs. Favorites or Season 16
Micronesia welcomed several entertaining individuals from the years after All-Stars to compete against a bunch of first-timers in a year that takes the “lovers” and “old favorites” designation more literally than any other season did. Several of the most enduringly amusing times in the program’s history can be found in this season, which is simply hilarious. Intriguing gameplay & tactics are also present.

5 – Pearl Islands or Season 7
The first 20 minutes of the season premiere of Pearl Islands should have you captivated right away. This season’s casting decisions contributed to some of the series’s greatest bits because of how well—or poorly—they work together. This was a terrific season from start to finish can’t be ruined by anything.

4 – Cambodia’s Second Chance or Season 31
The audience chose the cast for this season. In contrast to the actual world, voting in this situation produced satisfying outcomes. The show featured Excellent gameplay with constantly changing strategy as players jockey for positions to take advantage of their second chance at the contest. There are humorous and poignant passages and a resounding and gratifying winner.

3 – Cagayan or Season 28
You will appreciate the crazy shifts and twists this season to the fullest. Once you watch it, you’ll have a chance to witness one of the best new casts of Survivors yet. The combination of mayhem, sorrow, and humor results in one of the most intriguing Survivor contestants ever.

2 – Winners at War or Season 40
The season’s main theme—that it is an all-winners season—is revealed in the name. The ensemble is excellent; they are all game-winners, so it had better be. Although it can be upsetting to see some of your past favorites lose, the competition is usually rather good, and the attraction is quite high.

The fact that you receive an update on the lives of a few of your old favorites, as well as probably the final appearances of several of Survivor’s finest players, may be most meaningful to lifelong watchers of the show.
1 – Heroes vs. Villains or Season 20
Heroes vs. Villains had an all-star series without the constant resentment of All-Stars. They featured two Gabonese players and several of the most recognizable former cast members.

One of the greatest and the worst tactical planning the show has ever made can both be found in this series. A tragic decline and breakup from one of the nicest friendships in human history are also depicted in it.
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