Triplets: Mr. Li’s Sweetheart Chapter 24 was filled with cute and dramatic moments, leaving the readers swooning over Li Xicheng and Mo Ningxi’s catty chemistry. Even though Mo Ningxi dislikes Li Xicheng, she is ever so caring for Li Siyin, who is not even her own child. Her affection for the cute little boy far exceeds her dislike for his father, and it is obvious she adores Siyin a lot. On the other hand, Li Xicheng just continues to get more and more enticed by the feisty lady’s antics which makes her dislike for him known.
Mo Ningxi sees her own children, Xiao Zhuo and MiaoMiao, in Siyin, which explains her affection. On the other hand, Xiao Zhuo is getting suspicious of his pedigree, suspecting that Li Xicheng is actually his father as well. Siyin is thrilled to hear that Xiao Zhuo might be related to him by blood. Siyin is a lonely child, living with a rather cold mother, and has no child his own age to play with it. Siyin’s attachment to Mo Ningxi makes sense since he thinks of her as a mother and her children as his own siblings.
Triplets: Mr. Li’s Sweetheart is going forward at a fast pace, but hardships and drama await Mo Ningxi and Li Zicheng going ahead, especially with his relationship with Ningxi’s half-sister, who she hates. If you have been following the story of these cute triplets and want more updates about the upcoming chapter, then you have come to the right place! In this article, we will be talking about the release date of Triplets: Mr. Li’s Sweetheart Chapter 25, recap the previous chapter, and tell our readers where they can read the manhua.
Triplets: Mr. Li’s Sweetheart: Chapter 24 Recap
Previously in Triplets: Mr Li’s Sweetheart, Siyin and Xiao Zhuo come up with a plan to get Li Zicheng and Mo Ningxi a little closer. Since both of them can always be seen bickering, the two little children desperately want Ningxia and Zicheng to like each other and perhaps get married so the three of them can stay together with a loving mother and father. Siyin goes to Zicheng and tells him that he wants new clothes and starts crying when Zicheng tells him to ask the housekeeper to get some for him.
On the other hand, Xiao Zhuo breaks into Zicheng’s laptop, and Siyin asks him what he is doing. Xiao Zhuo tells Siyin that he thinks Zicheng is his father as well, and he wants to see where Zicheng was and if he was with Ningxi six years ago. Ningxi and Zicheng leave the department store, and after getting mistaken for a couple again, Ningxi stomps off to the car in anger. Ningxia accidentally asks Zicheng if she could buy Rong shares, and Li Zicheng agrees on the condition she continues to take care of Siyin.

Triplets: Mr. Li’s Sweetheart: Chapter 25 Release Date
Triplets: Mr. Li’s Sweetheart Chapter 25 is estimated to be released on Sunday, 18 June 2023, at 12:00 AM CST.
- India (IST): 8:30 PM on Saturday, 17 June 2023
- Japan (JST): midnight on Sunday, 18 June 2023
- Korea (KST): midnight on Sunday, 18 June 2023
- USA (EST): 10:00 AM on Saturday, 17 June 2023
- UK (GMT): 3:00 PM on Saturday, 17 June 2023
- Philippines (PHT): 11:00 PM on Saturday, 17 June 2023
- Australia (AEST): 1:00 AM on Sunday, 18 June 2023
Triplets: Mr. Li’s Sweetheart: Where to Read
You can read Triplets: Mr. Li’s Sweetheart on KuaiKan’s official website. The manhua is also available on INKR and Webnovel’s official app.
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