Ragnarok has ended on Netflix, and if you are confused about the ending, then let’s get into Ragnarok Netflix Ending Explained. In Norse mythology, Ragnarok refers to the time that giants stormed the realm of Asgard and fought the gods until the world was destroyed. And this is what is happening right now on Earth. Giant companies are draining the world of our resources, contaminating our water, and poisoning our air.
Ragnarok states that it’s only a matter of time until these corporate giants destroy our world for good. But the show ends with a message of hope that we can fight back. Magne’s defeat of the giant shows us that we aren’t powerless and that we can save our world.
This is why the Old Lady tells us that Ragnarok isn’t the end but the beginning. The beginning of a new world where we respect nature, not exploit it.
Ragnarok Netflix Plot
Each episode of Ragnarok begins with a short excerpt from Norse mythology. The final episode describes A Seeress with the ability to talk to gods and men, warning them what will happen to the world if they continue their evil, immoral deeds.
We’ve seen the Seeress all the way back in episode one. She’s the old lady at the grocery store who awakens the power within Magne. The man in the wheelchair at the start is described in the subtitles as being named Wotan, which is the old High German name for the God Odin, Thor’s father. He even has one eye, just like Odin.
Odin and the Seeress are the complete opposite of the Jutul, a family of giants who won the great battle between gods and giants thousands of years ago. Whereas the Jutul are strong and control every aspect of the town, Odin and the Seeress are old, enfeebled, and are seen as a little bit crazy.
They are bidding their time until one comes along with the power to take on the giants, one with the power of Thor within them.
One such person is Magne, who, at the end of episode 5, discovers 2500 steel barrels of toxic waste buried within the town’s glacier. This waste had been seeping into the water supply since 1967, causing hazardous levels of cadmium, mercury, and lead in the drinking supply.
Magne Finds Nothing
Magne brings the policewoman and Isolde’s father, Eric, to show them the barrels, but much to their surprise, Vidar is waiting for them. He opens the door and no barrels are to be found. This is devastating for Magne, who is already distrusted in town.
Two episodes ago, he killed the Jutul’s dog, who had gone full demonic on him. Now, he’s led the cops on a wild goose chase, leading him to be suspended from school for the rest of the year while he undergoes A psych evaluation. A psych evaluation will later find him diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia.
But knowing that Jutul holds all the levers of power in this town, it’s completely possible this misdiagnosis was a result of their intervention.

Meanwhile, in Jutulheigm, the name of the creepy mansion atop the mountain owned by the Jutuks, Vidar asked his son Fjor where the missing picture from the family photo album went. In episode 4, Gry, a local girl who ends up hooking up with Fjor, stumbles across this album, taking a photo from 1899, which shows the family has an aged.
Hurting The Nature To Make Money
Magne gets into another fight with his mother. She doesn’t believe any of his stories, and what’s worse, even if his stories were true, she really doesn’t care. In episode 5, she essentially tells Magne that if the environment needs to be screwed in order to keep her job and protect her kids, well, then it can be screwed.
The whole six episodes are basically a social commentary on climate change, using the characters from Norse mythology to depict a battle between saving the environment and destroying it. Although the show pulls no punches in its pro-environment message, the scene between Magne and his mother shows how complex the issue can be for the working class.
If you had to choose between being unable to put food on the table for your kids or having a stable job, but for a company that harms the environment, what would you do? What better example of this than Ex U.S. President Donald Trump’s promise to reopen dozens of coal mines? Mines are devastating for the environment, but for thousands of unemployed miners, it’s the ability to provide for their families.
The Rich And Poor
Saxa, whose family reaps the benefit from owning the town’s factory, makes another argument that progress isn’t possible without a little harm, but we take that risk. She makes the analogy of the CAR, saying that thousands die in car crashes every year but we don’t ban cars since they make our lives easier.
At its core, however, Ragnarok’s message on the environment cannot be separated from that of class struggle. The Jutuls are strong not only physically because they are Norse giants, but also economically. They are one of the richest families in Norway and own the economic heart of their town, the factory.

Their wealth is the result of exploiting both the environment and its workers. While they dine on expensive seafood and extravagant wine in their mansion, families like Magne struggle to make ends meet. It’s important to note here that in Norse mythology, the giants, for the most part, are human-sized, just like they are in the show. However, there are exceptions, like the frost and fire giants.
Well, the Jutuls are strong and rich, but Magne and his family are the opposite. His family is poor, he’s bullied at school, and it will take him until the end of the season to realize the strength he’s had in him the whole time in order to stand up for what he believes in.
Ragnarok is a show about many things: gods and giants, the working class and bourgeoisie, environmentalism and unfettered capitalism. It’s also a show about old ways of thinking versus new. Vidar vents to his wife about how everyone has to be equal nowadays, even saying that soon he’ll have to ask his own wife when he wants to take her.
Fjor Reveals The Truth
Back at Jutulheigm in one of the rare scenes spoken in English, Vidar makes plans to deliver the barrels of toxic waste to Sierra Leone. Meanwhile, Fjor undergoes his own change, offering to give Gry’s father the money needed for his medical expenses, and even telling Magne that he was right all along about the barrels. He goes on to tell Gry he doesn’t want to be perfect, just a good person.
This is short-lived, however, when Fjor is confronted by his family while returning the photograph. This grave offense against the family must not go unpunished. Thus, in order to keep their family secret safe theorist is tasked with killing the woman he loves.
Armed with the knowledge of where barrels are hidden, Magne takes a few of them and places them conveniently in front of the police station. Vidar is confronted, caught off guard, and simply says to talk to his friend, the mayor about this.

Ragnarok Ending Explained
During the ceremony, Fjor takes Gry to a romantic abandoned building to kill her. When Magne finally uses his hammer to knock the crap out of him. Gry pleads Magne to stop when they’re interrupted by Vidar, who has to take off his shirt in order to fight.
This is the clash of gods and giants this season has been leading up to. Magne Hammer is no match for Vidar, who swats it away like a fly. He taunts Magne, calling him weak, saying he wants to think he is the God Thor, but all he sees in front of him is a scared boy, and it looks like all is lost for Magne.
Vidar picks him up like a rag doll, ready to rip out his heart, when Magne’s anger calls forth a giant bolt of lightning, knocking both men unconscious. We only see a brief twitch from Magne before the episode ends, leading us to believe he’s still alive and Vidar has gone for good.
But perhaps the most interesting aspect of this final scene is this Seeress, watching the fight unfold. She foretold this event earlier, saying to Magne’s mother, “Don’t let yourselves be devoured by darkness, The light is on its way”. Light is not only a metaphor for goodness but the actual physical lightning that Magne will call forth.
Seeress tells us that Ragnarok isn’t the end of all things but the beginning before turning into an eagle and flying off. It makes me wonder if the eagle Gry and Magne found while hiking the mountains several episodes ago was actually the Seeress keeping tabs on them.
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