How did Buggy become the emperor? A question that fans have been asking for more since One Piece went on hiatus for a month. One Piece Chapter 1053 was the chapter where learned that Buggy also became the new emperor besides Luffy. This came as a shock to the whole One Piece fandom, and fans have been what Buggy’s real character is about. Some fans were even saying that Buggy was always a prominent character and hiding his true identity and powers. While some fans also theorized that Buggy was on a special mission given none other than by the late King of Pirates. So what is the truth?
Is Buggy really a mysterious character? Well, thankfully, One Piece Chapter 1058 answered all of the curiosity we have been having regarding the character. One Piece Chapter 1058, titled “New Emperor,” was solely focused on Buggy’s upcoming as an emperor besides the bounty revealed of the straw hats and the emperor himself with his new subordinates, Dracula Mihawk and Sir Crocodile. As many of the fans predicted, Buggy’s new bringing as an Emperor of the seas is nothing but a scam and gag that Oda sensei has been portraying for a while. So, without any further ado, here is how Buggy Became The New Emperor.
Here Is How Buggy Became The New Emperor!
As previously mentioned, Buggy Became the emperor through a gag method that Oda sensei has been using for a while in his series. In One Piece Chapter 1055, titled “Cross Guild,” we saw that there is a new organization in the series, and its seeming leader is none other than Buggy The Clown after a poster of the organization featuring Mihawk and Crocodile with Buggy in the middle making him look like someone important, spread like wildfire throughout the New World and the grand line. And under this organization, Buggy has legend characters like the former warlord of the sea who reigned over Arabasta, “Sir Crocodile,” and the strongest swordsman in the world, “Dracule Mihawk,” who obeys him.

One Piece Chapter 1058 described this very reason and deemed Buggy The Clown as one of the new emperors of the seas who has the likes of Mihawk and Crocodile working for him under his new organization called “Cross Guild”. World Government is the one who deemed Buggy as the emperor for the above-mentioned reasons. In addition, the world government looks Buggy as someone important who had achieved heights already, like being the mastermind behind the escape from the impel down, a former warlord, a companion of the Red-haired Shanks, and a significant crew member of the King of the Pirates. However, the reality is very different and Buggy becoming an emperor is nothing but a scam and a gag.
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Here Is How All Thing Led Up To Buggy Becoming The New Emperor!
If it weren’t for the new Cross Guild posters, Buggy would never have become an emperor. In fact, after the demolishment of the warlords of the seas, Buggy was on the edge of fleeing from the marines that were spawning to capture him. Mihawk and Crocodile were in the same predicament. It is when Crocodile suggested to Mihawk that they should form an organization together because they both don’t trust anyone, and Mihawk was known as the “Marine Hunter”. Buggy was forced into this scheme because he owed Crocodile a lot of money.

In return for paying the debt that Buggy owes Crocodile, Buggy offered to work for free in his new organization and gave all the support of Buggy’s delivery, including Marketing, advertisements, and everything. However, Buggy’s crew thought that Crocodile was someone who was like a small brother to Buggy and had come to work for him. For their advertisement of the formation of the guild, Buggy’s men gave all the glory to their Captain and made Mihawk and Crocodile look like they work for him in their posters and other things.
Though, at first, Mihawk and Crocodile had a problem with why Buggy is being seen as the leader and the emperor, Mihawk thought that this could come in handy. While they do their work, all of the attention will fall on Buggy, and they can always get rid of him. That is the conclusion of how Buggy became the emperor. What do you think about this plot and the formation of the Cross Guild?
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