Resurfaced footage from a 2014 podcast episode is causing controversy for Netflix’s well-known show “Beef.” Actor David Choe is seen recounting in explicit detail a story about sexually assaulting a black massage therapist. The controversy prompted a response from the show’s creator, Lee Sung Jin, and stars Steven Yeun and Ali Wong, who released a statement to Variety.
As per the statement, the creators and stars of the show discovered the story to be profoundly distressing. However, they assert that it was invented. Nonetheless, they recognized that Choe’s prior conduct was unacceptable and that they thought he had reformed himself over time.
The controversy highlighted the issue of sexual assault and emphasized the significance of holding individuals responsible for their actions, irrespective of when they occurred. The “Beef” team’s statement reminded us that harmful conduct is inexcusable while also suggesting the prospect of rehabilitation and progress.
The disclosure of the controversial tale by David Choe, an actor, and muralist, has generated a commotion and triggered a broad conversation on social media channels. The story’s character has prompted numerous individuals to express their anger, with a few even advocating for boycotts and other types of demonstrations.
The Beef Cast Team Issued a Joint Statement on the David Choe Controversy
A statement was released earlier this week, revealing that David Choe’s false story from nine years ago caused definite pain and severe distress. The statement clearly stated that the story in question is not approved in any manner, and the causes of the upset and triggering reactions were fully comprehended.

The statement acknowledged that David apologized for the horrific story in the past and has made efforts to seek mental health support and improve himself over the last decade. Additionally, it was emphasized that he learned from his mistakes and took steps to prevent a recurrence of such an incident.
David Choe apologized following the backlash he received for his podcast appearance. During the podcast, Choe described himself as a rapist and recounted a troubling incident where he forced his penis into a woman’s mouth despite her repeated refusal. The apology was released after the podcast became public. Choe was initially shocked and confused by the rape accusations against him. However, in his apology, he acknowledged the seriousness of his words and actions. He expressed regret for the harm caused to the victim and any other individuals impacted by his behavior.
During a media interview, Choe shared his feelings of shock and frustration regarding the accusations. He stated that he never expected to wake up to such an allegation, which he finds unpleasant. Choe also emphasized that he is not a rapist and has a strong dislike for them, believing they should face severe consequences.
Choe explained that his show ‘DVDASA’ is an extension of his art, and any wrongdoing on his part is due to poor storytelling. According to him, ‘DVDASA’ is a complete extension of his art, and any fault lies in the storytelling style, which he describes as douche-like. Choe believes that his work presents his truth and is a fine art that may occasionally offend some people. He expresses regret if anyone mistakenly believed that the stories were true and accurate, as they were not.

I didn’t perform those actions. It didn’t occur. I have no record of sexual assault. Choe expressed regret for any harm caused by his previous words and stressed the gravity of non-consensual sex, asserting that making jokes about it is always inappropriate. Choe acknowledged being unwell at the peak of his mental illness and has subsequently spent three years in mental health facilities to recover and commit his life to support and restoring others through affection and deeds. He said, “I assume full responsibility for my statements, even though I do not believe in them.”
According to Variety’s report, numerous podcast clips resurfaced on Twitter and were removed due to notices under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. It seems that Choe personally submitted these notices using the David Young Choe Foundation name.
The podcast clip in question includes Choe talking about his personal experiences with sex work, drug addiction, and his friendship with the late comedian and actor Robin Williams. Although it has received recent attention, Choe has not commented on the clip or the DMCA notices.