The Good Doctor Season 6 Episode 4 release date is right up the roster and fans are pretty excited to know more about the details. The show features a medical drama with an autistic surgeon named Shaun who tries to save lives at the institution and has his own creative ways of doing so. Well, before we talk about the future of the series, let us take a look at how the recap had shaled up till now.
Back in The Good Doctor Season 6 Episode 3 titled A Big Sign, we saw that Shaun as well as Asher and Danny are treating Julianne. She happens to be working as a marriage counselor but has a brain tumor. Right now, the doctors are trying to remove the tumor while also saving her life without any harm. Julianne has crashed and describes the experience in the form of a near-death crash.
This is why Shaun thinks that this might be the cause of her near-death experience. Julianne is already done with her life and wants to die in order to be with her late husband. But then Danny comes in and changes her mind and perspective about life and thus she agrees to have a second surgery. Well, the doctor grieves for her life as Julianne dies on the operating table. An autopsy report answers the puzzle confirming that she indeed had a second tumor.

The Good Doctor Season 6 Episode 3 Recap
Later in the episode, we see that Park, Jordan, and Danni are now treating a young patient who is suffering from bipolar disorder. Her name is Katie and her parents are disagreeing about getting treatment for the same. She was in restraints but Danni removes the same which leads to Katie fleeing the hospital. This gives Park an understanding that Katie actually has hydrocephalus which is why she is misdiagnosed after all these treatments.
Later when Katie is found, the doctors are finally able to operate on her effectively and give her the appropriate treatment. In the meantime, Danni is helping Katie’s parents to realize how important this procedure was to keep their family bond intact. We see that Asher has finally noticed that Jordan has a crush on Danny and thus tries to help her out.
We saw how Lim is still paranoid regarding the whole surgery and is leading an investigation into Shaun. She meets with Glassman who says that he is totally angry at Shaun because they would not have to do a whole surgery on her if he had just come back in time. Although, Glassman lays his sides by saying that he does not think that both parties are at fault here. By the end of the episode, we see that Lim finally confronts Shaun about her troubles and concludes with their friendship ending.
The Good Doctor Season 6 Episode 4 Release Date
The Good Doctor Season 6 Episode 4 release date is on the 24th of October 2022. The episode is titled, Shrapnel. It will drop out on ABC at 10 PM Eastern Time. New episodes of this ABC drama series are scheduled to release every week on Mondays. You can track them all down through Otakukart.
How to Watch The Good Doctor Season 6 Episode 4
The Good Doctor Season 6 Episode 4 can be watched easily when the episode airs on ABC at the designated date and time slot that we have provided above. Later, these episodes will also be available to stream from the official website of the channel. The latest entries also are uploaded on Hulu. These can be streamed easily by checking out with a valid subscription plan to the same. Hulu also offers a free trial lasting a month to all new users. You can use this to watch The Good Doctor Season 6 Episode 4 for free.
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