Jahyun will have to make a difficult choice in Heeran Love Song Chapter 51 after the Emperor tells Jahyun that he must leave the Capital in the face of all the rumors that were being spread about him.
Jahyun was not liked by his father the Emperor, and the Emperor spared no chance in chasing Jahyun out because of the corpse that turned up in front of his house.
Yato had seen people deliberately kill the man who banged on Jahyun’s door every day and make his wounds distorted so that people would believe that the man was attacked by a demon.
The fans are a bit puzzled by the direction in which the manhwa has been going, especially since it took Yato more than 50 chapters to determine if he wants to feast on Soru’s flesh. Even then, he did not take a single step in that direction but kept contradicting himself.
On the other hand, the situation with Jahyun has become even more grave, and the fans know very well that Jahyun will do the same thing he had always done and vent out his anger on Soru only to feel guilty about it later. The situation has grown even more dire after the Emperor’s edict to leave the Capital for good.
The fans are curious to know who wants to meet Jahyun and what decision he will make going forward to avoid leaving the Empire.
If you are a fan looking for updates about the upcoming chapter of the manhwa, then we have got you covered. In this article, we will be talking about the release date of Heeran Love Song Chapter 51, recap the previous chapter, and tell our readers where they can read the manhwa.
Heeran Love Song: Chapter 50 Recap
In the previous chapter of Heeran’s Love Song, Jahyun runs out to see that a corpse has tuned up at his doorstep, and he also spots Yato around his house. Jahyun believes that the man was killed by a demon, and he is well aware that the rumors will just keep getting worse now.
Jahyun has the body brought inside when someone tells Jahyun that the Emperor has summoned him.
Jahyun has a sudden realization, and he carefully observes the wounds on the man’s body. The cuts on his body were too clean to be done by a Demon, so he was definitely killed by a human.
They cover up the wounds, so they appear to have been done by a demon just to dump the blame on those entities.
Yato had been carefully observing as people started gathering around the corpse and turned back when Jahyun opened the door to see what had happened and chased the crowd away.
Yato realizes that he wanted to feast on Soru’s flesh, and that was his motive, but he couldn’t figure out why he had turned away. At the Palace, the Emperor talks about how the rumors were flying around once again because a body mutilated by demons was found in front of Jahyun’s house.
The Emperor tells Jahyun to leave the Capital within 3 months and make things easier for his father. Jahyun is at his wit’s end since he has no clue how to counter the situation when a worker approaches Jahyun, asking him to meet with her master and showing the hairpin that helps Jahyun recognize the person.

Heeran Love Song: Chapter 51 Release Date
Heeran Love Song Chapter 51 is scheduled to be released on Thursday, 31 August 2023, at 12:00 AM KST.
- India (IST): 8:30 PM on Wednesday, 30 August 2023
- Japan (JST): 12:00 AM on Thursday, 31 August 2023
- Korea (KST): 12:00 AM on Thursday, 31 August 2023
- USA (EST): 11:00 AM on Wednesday, 30 August 2023
- UK (GMT): 4:00 PM on Wednesday, 30 August 2023
- Philippines (PHT): 11:00 PM on Wednesday, 30 August 2023
- Australia (AEST): 1:00 AM on Thursday, 31 August 2023
Heeran Love Song: Where to Read
You can read Heeran Love Song Chapter 51 on LINE Webtoon on the mentioned date and time.
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