Yellowjackets Season 2 Episode 3 Spoilers are crazy. I’m gonna be talking about the promo trailer they put out, some of the other trailers that are out there with stuff we haven’t seen yet and there are a ton of promotional photos from episode 3 that I’ll be touching on. So if any of that sounds like spoilers, then this article won’t be for you.
Interestingly, there was no incorporation of a modern-day Lottie and Nat. So I do wonder if they will be absent from the next episode and instead will focus more on the repercussions in the past following on from everybody consuming Jackie and the different directions they will be going in.
I also feel it will be more of a modern-day hunt for Nat on Misty’s side. And the introduction of the character Walter and the eventual growing closer of the pair. Because I feel as though they’re going to be spending a lot of time together, especially when comparing it to the overall Yellowjackets Season 2 Trailer.
Yellowjackets Season 2 Episode 2 Recap
It’s not easy living in close quarters with lots of hungry people in the middle of winter. For the Yellowjackets, that’s just the tip of the iceberg, and most of Yellowjackets Season 2 Episode 2 did a serviceable job of showing how these things were starting to draw them apart. Taking a dump in the pea bucket is not something they’re gonna let slide, and by the end of the episode, they’re in desperate need of something to bring them back together.
There was another back-and-forth between Shauna and still-dead Jackie that ended with the former telling the latter to stop and Jackie reminding her that she was the one holding the knife. The whole dynamic exists inside her head, and there’s a lot of that going down throughout the episode.

In the case of Tai, things are happening that she doesn’t quite understand. Adult Lottie seems to be less than honest about things she’s seen, and Travis is experiencing what is at least spiritual, if not supernatural. Coming into this season, I think that was what I was most excited to see. How the different characters would react to these things that will inevitably happen, and what they do to try to make sense of the horrors we imagine are coming their way.
Based on that, it’s kind of refreshing that we got to active cannibalism so soon. We knew it was coming, and actually that a much worse version is still on the horizon.
Yellowjackets Season 2 Episode 3 Spoilers
Yellowjackets Season 2 Episode 3 Trailer opens with Shauna telling Lottie that she’s scared and that everything feels like it’s out of control. There’s a shot of what’s left of Jackie’s remains and separate shots of teen Nat sitting on the porch of the cabin and teen Tai freaking out by the fire pit with Van behind her to comfort her.
This would all seem like things that happened in the aftermath of the Jackie feast. Of course, we expect that they’ll have complicated feelings about what they’ve done after the initial buzz of feeling full wears off.
There’s another shot later where you can see several dead birds on the roof of the cabin and all around the yard. Based on the promo photos, I’m guessing that this might happen shortly after the ending of Episode 2 and might add to their uncomfortable feelings.
Strange stuff like this can happen, but the number of birds and the fact that they’re all around the cabin makes it seem pretty spooky. And so it’s not really a stretch to think that they might take that and the guilt they’re feeling and interpret it as a sign.
There’s a handful of shots of them outside talking, and you can see a bird in one of those, which makes me think it’s all connected. And then there are several shots of them crafting together, which could be an attempt to ward off harmful forces in response to all these birds.
Tai is also participating, and to this point, she’s been the loudest voice in opposition to this kind of thinking. So that might mean it’s related to something else or might indicate that she’s coming around to the idea that supernatural forces could be in play, which I guess would sort of be a breakthrough for the character.
Tai Is Having A Change Of Heart
There’s another shot of the man with no eyes in the Yellowjackets Season 2 Episode 3 trailer. And of course, he also made an appearance in episode 2. I’ve always interpreted Tai’s resistance to these ideas as a response to what’s happening to her and her not being able to understand it or control it. So it’s easier for her to say “None of this stuff exists. You, people, are all crazy.”
If she is having a change of heart, then the question is why? And the only thing that I saw that could be related to that is one of the promo photos where you see that Van’s watching her sleep and they’re not tied together. So she may be trying to confront what’s happening or they might be trying to understand it together. And perhaps that would open the door to her being a little bit more receptive to some of this other stuff that’s going on.
Tai And Her Sleepwalking
One other thing before we move on from Teen Tai. It occurred to me when I was writing my article for episode 2, they get up right from sleep to go out to see what the smell is and see what’s going on with Jackie’s body. That means there’s a definite possibility that she could be sleepwalking. I don’t see anything that would make me feel that way one way or the other.

But remember, whenever she bit Van in the previous episode, there was nothing to really say that she was the bad one at that moment. She looked pretty normal. So it’s possible that she participated in this and she won’t be able to deal with that, just like they’ll all have trouble, but she’ll blame her participation on the fact that she was sleepwalking. And maybe that leads to some kind of confrontation.
Because Shauna knows about her sleepwalking when she brings it up in season one. But it’s not something that they talk about it. It seems like Van is the only one who’s really concerned with it thus far.
Tai And The Symbol
Adult Tai is at the hospital with Simone after the crash and we hear a nurse or someone there mentions this interesting design and then we see a shot of the symbol drawn on her hand, something we wouldn’t expect it to do in the present necessarily. She looks to be very tired at least, but also possibly surprised to see it’s there.
My thought was that it was probably the bad Tai that took over whenever the car crash happened and my friend agreed with that based on the look that she gave right before that happened. And when I saw this shot, I thought about a clip from one of the trailers, where we see her in the bathroom at the hospital. Here we see that the reflection doesn’t match what she’s doing, indicating that the bad one is there, that there are two people inside of her, which of course we know.
The symbol on Simon’s hand is interesting, though, because this could be an indication that she uses that. This would change our perception of adult Tai. But it seems more likely that she was a bad Tai for some period of time. She was sleepwalking through at least part of this, and that’s how that ended up there.

Misty And Walter
After that we see Misty arriving at a Marina to meet up with, putting the sick in forensics, and meeting with Elijah Wood’s character, Walter, for the first time. I guess he’s a houseboat guy. It looks like he lives on a houseboat and it looks like she tries to take control of the situation, saying that they have to get one thing straight “It’s her case and her witness.” And there’s not much else to go off of here that I didn’t mention in my last article, but I’m still super excited to see how this plays out.
There aren’t any promo photos of adult Misty, but there are two of her with Crystal, where they’re having a conversation and it looks like they’re getting to know each other. It’s one-on-one and that made me think of the clip from the trailer that we haven’t seen yet when she says she has a secret, a ginormous one. I don’t know if we’ll get there in Yellowjackets Season 2 Episode 3, but that’s a big thing that’s coming for these two characters. So they do need to set up their relationship and how that’s developing.
Wilderness Helping The Crew?
There is a shot of Nat returning to the crash site. It’s notable that she’s by herself, that Travis isn’t there, and while she’s inside the plane, she hears a noise and it turns out to be a Caribou. It looks like you’ll be able to shoot. The Internet tells me it’s a Caribou anyway. I don’t think a moose is a bad guess, but I saw a post saying that it was more likely a Caribou which is smaller and that sounded good to me.
This also shows up on the promo flyer they sent out. It looks like an indication that they’re going to have some food to last for a period of time. I mean, it’s a big animal, so the bear lasted a couple of months. That might buy them a couple more months. Maybe even get them through winter or the bad part of winter until some animals return.

What is interesting about this is that it happens around the time they ate Jackie and these birds all fell from the sky. If they’re starting to get more Lottie about it, the way they see it, and about the wilderness providing for them, they could interpret this as a sign that they did something right and they’re being rewarded.
If you think back to the Yellowjackets Season 2 official teaser and trailer, there was a sense that at least some of them will adopt the idea that there was a force guiding these things to happen. Natalie tells adult Lottie that she sees darkness and that they brought that back with them.
Teen Van is sort of telling that story about a violent and misunderstood wilderness waiting to befriend whoever arrived, and then in Yellowjackets Season 2 Episode 2, we heard Travis’s thoughts about the wilderness coming for him before he died. A lot of this stuff feels like it could be leading them in that direction and we do think that there’s going to be a divide. Between them or at least I do.
Originally I thought it would be the three survivors who stayed in touch in the season one-on-one side, Tao, Shauna, and Nat. Nat is directly opposed to Lottie right now in relation to Travis, but in Yellowjackets Season 2 Episode 3 promo trailer we see Shauna talking to Lottie. She doesn’t seem to be too opposed. We saw Lottie overlooked that she had cut a piece off of Jackie when she saw that before they burned the body.
And as I said, it looks like Tai is there with the rest of them while they’re doing their crafting, so it’s all pretty up in the air. And I don’t really see anything here that looks like it’s going to happen right away. There is a shot of Shauna where it looks like she has a bloody nose like it looks like someone hit her, but there aren’t any shots of that happening, so I don’t want to jump to any conclusions.

Shauna Pointig A Gun At Someone
There’s also a shot of Shauna carrying a gun and then pointing it at someone while asking them “if they ever peeled the skin off a human corpse”. There are a lot of photos of this, but none of them give a clear idea of why she has the gun or what’s happening. It appears that Jeff is with her before this or after this because we do see a shot with them together where she has the gun, but he’s not in any of the ones with this other character.
The line that was being spoken by Shauna in the present day looked as though she was going off and doing some investigative work of her own. And some of the shots looked as though she was going to be working with Jeff. And Jeff is going to be getting closer to Kevin. So I do wonder if somebody actually has some dirt on her. And she’s going to be threatening them in order to stay quiet about what little information they may know.
There is a shot of her walking through a junkyard, which maybe is connected to where Adam worked. Remember, he worked on cars. Maybe this guy knows about her and their relationship, and she’s trying to scare him off. That seems like the most likely explanation.
Yellowjackets Season 2 Episode 3 Promo Photos
Then there are a few photos of Jeff talking to Kevin Tan at the gym. For me, this is the least interesting thing that’s happening in the show right now. So I don’t have a lot of ideas other than Shauna and Jeff haven’t done a great job of covering things up. They haven’t done a great job of talking to the police, at least she didn’t. And I expect that the heat on them will continue to increase until they figure out a way to get out of this situation.
There are also a couple of shots of hands, one of Jackie’s hands as far as I could tell. And one of adult Lottie’s hands was covered in blood. There was another shot of this in the previous trailer, and I have no idea what’s happening in it. There’s something there in front of her that appears to be covered in blood. It could be related to this shot of her with the beehives. But I’m not sure how the blood got there or what it means.

In the Yellowjackets Season 2 Episode 3 promo flyer they sent out, it had the dead bird and you saw some honeycomb design behind that. So that’s what made me think about the beehives.
And in the promo photos, there’s just one shot of her. She’s wearing these same clothes, and there’s only one shot of adult Nat who’s still wearing what she got when she was abducted because she hasn’t given into the Heliotrope clothing yet which made me laugh when I saw it.
Still Looking For Javi
Coach Ben doesn’t show up in the trailer, but there is one shot of him in bed not look so good. He has definitely put himself in the out-group for not eating Jackie, which means we’ll be watching to see if they start to treat him differently.
And that’s mostly it with this big ending in the last episode after the setup in the premiere. It’ll be interesting to see where they focus their attention. I’m most interested to see how they react to what happened, how that divides them, and who lines up with whom.
I do feel like a lot of this stuff that’s happening is going to make people believe that Lottie is the person that they wanna turn to when things aren’t making sense when they’re looking for some faith, some hope about what’s to come.

I thought they did a great job of showing that through Travis, his relationship with Nat, and how he’s still drawn to Lottie because he still wants to hold on to the idea that Javi might be OK. And there’s nothing to indicate it here, but I still am thinking that Javi will show back up at some point. I don’t know how that will happen. That should introduce a whole new aspect to whatever’s going on out there.
The Digestion Process Is Now In Play
That was it for the Yellowjackets Season 2 Episode 3 Preview. The episode is titled “Digestif” and the Definition is a drink that is consumed before or after a meal to aid digestion. I think it’s merely a play on the fact that this is the episode that’s following on from an extremely gruesome consumption and the digestion process is now in place.
I’m looking forward to seeing the stakes being high, especially when it comes to Nat being trapped in the case of Shauna, looking as though it’s going to be closing in. As she’s most probably going to be moved to a prime suspect in the case of the disappearance of Adam. So there you have it, Yellow Jacket Season 2 Episode 3 Trailer Explained.
So that might not be until later in the season. And I think that’s a good place to leave things today. I’ll try to come back next week and do another preview for Yellowjackets Season 2 Episode 4, and of course, I’ll be doing an in-depth breakdown again for Episode 3 after it’s out.
Also Read: How to Watch Yellowjackets Season 2 Episodes? Streaming Guide