With House of the Dragon episode 9 giving us a huge load of drama between the High towers and how they want to have their claim on the Iron Throne, the show was stolen by Princess Rhaenys as she broke through the halls on her dragon and had face to face with the Greens. I mean, she could have just finished them off with one blow from her dragon, but she did not. In order to know the reason why you have come to the right place.
In the entire episode, we see how the Hightowers, led by Allicent and Otto, are trying to keep the death of the King a secret until the coronation ceremony so that Rhaenyra does not know and come for her claim. Also, they locked up Rhaenys in her chambers because she would flee with her dragon and tell Rhaenyra about the same.
Later though, we saw that Allicent did attend to the Princess in her bedchambers and was trying to manipulate her to take their side. She wanted the Targaryen queen to join the Greens, and by doing so, she could rule Driftmark after her husband and snatch the right from Lucerys Velaryon, whom they all know is not Laenor’s son.
Instead, Rhaenys manipulated Allicent back and told her how she is just a pawn in this huge game which is run by men. She is either plotting to serve her father, her husband, or her son but never herself.

How Did Rhaenys Go To The Dragon Pit?
Rhaenys also talked about how Allicent is sitting in the highest, most powerful post in all of the seven kingdoms, and yet, she has never dreamt of sitting on the Iron Throne herself or taking charge. Allicent leaves the room, and Rhaenys is locked, but this stays in her mind rent-free. We see how she commands Ser Otto, which she has never done before, that things will work out her way, and he cannot influence Aegon to kill Rhaenyra.
As for Rhaenys, she was freed when Ser Erryk had a change of mind. While going out with his brother on Ser Otto’s command to find Prince Aegon, he sees how pointless it is to serve in the Kingsguard because the King-to-be is full of flaws. He has a bastard son, and he might be one of the many children. Even though his brother does not pay heed to any advice, Ser Erryk decides to serve for the better and go to Dragon Stone himself.
Before doing so, he frees Princess Rhaenys. Here, while Aegon is being installed on the throne by the Greens, she goes to the Dragon’s Pit to take back Meleys, her dragon. Well, this was her moment to shine as she got out of the pit with the dragon and stood tall in front of the Greens. So why didn’t she burn them?

Why Didn’t Rhaenys Say Dracarys?
The creators of the program talk about how they wanted Rhaenys’ character to have a moment of her own. We know that she is a passive character and has seen her own children die within a span of two weeks. Although, this was when she held all the power in her hand and could use it to change the course of action in the plot. But she didn’t.
Well, Rhaenys did not burn the Greens because of her moral standpoint. However hurt she might be, Rhaenys is not a killer. Given the fact that Allicent is standing in front of Aegon trying to protect her son and the two share eye contact, that was her motherly instincts speaking, and she just could not bear witness to the death of another child on her account.
This is why Rhaenys did not say Dracarys even when she could have. Even in episode 10 (spoiler alert), when Daemon asks her why she did not burns the Greens, her vigorous answer to him straight was that she will support her house and family but not start a war.
Also read: House Of The Dragon Episode 9 Recap: Aegon Crowned As The King.