Shia LaBeouf played the character of Sam Witwicky in the three movies of the Transformers franchise, but he was missing from the fourth installment that is Transformers 4: Age of Extinction and its sequels, and fans are wondering what is actually the reason behind the absence of Shia LaBeouf. The main trilogy was directed by Michael Bay, and the first movie was Shia’s main outing in the movie.
The fans were already familiar with his face as he was seen in Even Steven from Disney. He left the movie in 2011, but Transformer movies are still his best performance among all the other movies he has done. But the success of the movie was not enough to keep him playing the character, at least the commercial part of it.
In the first movie, we saw Shia LaBeouf start his journey as Sam Witwicky, the main lead in the franchise. He had to work with Autobots to save the planet from Decepticons who were to destroy Earth. While we saw him reprising the role of Sam in the second Transformers movie, Revenge of the Fallen, and the third movie, Dark of the Moon. Shia was not seen in the later parts of the movies, which made the fans curious as to what happened with the character. This looked strange to some of the fans, as Sam went from the main character to some side character in the fifth transformer movie, and it suggested that he died somewhere on the screen between the movies
Whatever the case, Shia LaBeouf did not return to play the character in Transformer 4. Shia felt that the story of Sam Witwicky was over as the initial trilogy ended. When Shia was promoting Dark of the Moon, he confirmed to MTV that he would leave the franchise. He felt that there was nothing else left with Sam’s story. Many of the fans felt that the character of Sam became blunt in the third Transformers movie. The nerd who became a hero in the first movie was unhappy with the development of the character in the sequel of the movies and was always complaining about not operating closely with the Autobots.

Shia Thought The Transformers Franchise Lacked Objective
Shia’s has also been very blunt about the movie’s lack of purpose. In an interview with Esquire in 2018, he referred to the movies as “irrelevant” and compared them with other grounded plots. Shia’s acting alongside his exit from the Transformer movies indicates that he is looking for stories that are more related to real life and doesn’t rely completely on CGI, and perform other roles that have creative liberty, like Honey Boy.
For the movie Transformer, it has continued to be a hit among the fans without Shia. The fourth Transformer movie starred Mark Whalberg, who portrayed the character of Cade Yeager. The movie became the highest-grossing Transformers movie. In the movie, Cade allies with Autobots to battle Lockdown, who is a Transformer bounty hunter and was hunting Optimus Prime.
The Bumblebee spin-off was also introduced, and it had a resemblance with the first transformer movies. It is said to be the best Transformer movie by many critics. The franchise will continue without Shia’s presence in the movies. While Shia was missing from the movie, he is not completely out of the equation and may return to play the character in future Transformer movies, but the plot will have to tell why he was missing for so long and what happened to him in the meantime.

LaBeouf’s Sam Witwicky vs Wahlberg’s Cade Yeager: Who’s Better?
Both the characters, whether it is Shia LaBeouf’s Sam Witwicky or Mark Both Wahlberg’s Cade Yeager, have strengths and weaknesses, but the question to ask is which among them is better? A key criticism among the franchise fans was the lack of dynamic and intelligent female characters and how Cade and Sam treated them. After the first Transformer movie, the quality of writing went downhill, which made Shia’s argument for leaving the movie robust. Sam was a great character but made bad choices regarding love. In the second Transformer movie, Sam becomes more arrogant and cocky and takes people for granted, and the way he treats Carly is sad.
Cade also faced somewhat similar issues with his daughter, who in the fourth Transformer movie, Age of Extinction, was seen doing a damsel in distress character. His character made fun of Sam’s machismo, as seen in the three movies, but still was not enough to get a favorite of the two. It can be said that Cade was almost as same as Sam but older. The main character of the movie never had the same impact as the Autobots.