The popular anime series Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba follows a young man named Tanjiro who becomes a demon slayer after his family is killed by demons. One former Hashira introduced early in the story is Urokodaki Sakonji, who now serves as a mentor to Tanjiro.
He is distinguished by the tengu mask he constantly wears, which has sparked much curiosity among viewers. That is the reason why fans of the series are really excited to find out: What Is The Reason For Urokodaki Wearing A Mask In Demon Slayer?
He joins an organization called the Demon Slayer Corps, which trains warriors to hunt and kill the demonic threats.
The most powerful slayers are known as Hashira, who possess incredible combat skills. While fans are familiar with the current generation of Hashira, little is known about the previous generations.
Urokodaki’s obscurity hints at a complex past, perhaps tied to the traumatic experiences unique to Hashira’s dangerous work. The eventual revelation of why he hides his face will likely connect to pivotal events in the Demon Slayer Corps’ earlier battles against powerful demons. For now, the secrecy surrounding the enigmatic former Hashira is a compelling element of the story’s mystical backdrop.
What Is The Reason For Urokodaki Wearing A Mask In Demon Slayer?
Urokodaki Sakonji’s past as a Demon Slayer Hashira contains many unknown details, including when exactly he served in the corps. The only certainty is that he previously held the rank of Water Hashira, one of the most skilled swordsmen.
His distinguishing feature is the red Tengu mask he is always seen wearing. This concealment of his face was eventually revealed to be because demons would mock his kind, gentle facial features during battles. In a Taisho secret session, protagonist Tanjiro confirmed that under the mask, Urokodaki does indeed have a soothing, compassionate face.
Even after the manga’s conclusion, Urokodaki’s true face remains a mystery to readers. Some fans have speculated that the author purposefully never revealed his appearance beneath the Tengu mask.
The mask itself carries symbolic meaning in Japanese folklore, representing the long nose and wings of the Tengu bird creature. In the context of the Demon Slayer story, the Tengu mask likely represents Urokodaki’s dual kindness and ferocity in battle as a Hashira. His reasons for continued concealment hint at traumatic events from his days fighting powerful demons as one of the corps’ finest warriors.
So, while many details are still unknown about Urokodaki’s past, the cryptic Tengu mask points to a complex history of fighting demonic forces as well as his compassionate inner character. The mystery surrounding this former Hashira continues to intrigue fans.
The Tengu mask represents the legendary Tengu swordsmen in Japanese folktales. The Tengu were known to inhabit mountainous regions, similar to how Urokodaki lives in seclusion in the mountains.
The prominent nose and fierce expression of the Tengu mask connect to these mythical Tengu chiefs, known for their skills in sword fighting. This links Urokodaki’s own mastery as a Hashira swordsman to the storied tradition of the Tengu warriors.
Urokodaki’s hobby of crafting masks further relates to the Tengu legends. He gifts special “warding masks” marked with protection spells to students like Tanjiro. Intriguingly, many of the masks he makes are Kitsune, or fox, masks. Foxes have their own deep mythological roots in Japanese culture.
So, the Tengu mask specifically represents Urokodaki’s dual role as both a fierce warrior against demons and a kindly mentor to the Demon Slayers he trains. The mask and its ties to Japanese folklore hint at his mysterious past as a Hashira while also connecting him to the mystical culture of the series. Even in retirement, the Tengu mask keeps Urokodaki’s history as a slayer shrouded in secrecy.
Urokodaki Sakonji, the former Demon Slayer Hashira, has trained many students over the years, though tragically, most did not survive the final selection process. The only two of his students shown in the anime are Sabito and Makomo, both of whom perished.
Urokodaki gifted special kitsune masks to these students, including Sabito and Makomo. When protagonist Tanjiro Kamado proved his determination to Urokodaki, he too received one of these masks and Urokodaki’s blessings.
During the final selection, Tanjiro encountered the Hand Demon, who had previously killed 13 of Urokodaki’s trainees, including Sabito and Makomo. Seeing Tanjiro’s kitsune mask triggered the demon’s memories of its past victims.
After defeating the Hand Demon, Tanjiro sensed the presence of Urokodaki’s 13 deceased students, all wearing the kitsune masks their teacher had given them. This imbued the masks with deeper meaning, becoming representations of Urokodaki’s former students and their shared sacrifices.
The kitsune masks symbolically connect Urokodaki to the talented yet doomed students he trained, cared for, and lost prematurely. The masks represent his efforts to prepare the next generation of slayers, though few survived the perilous final selection.