Shona Ramsey, portrayed by Julia Goulding, is a well-loved character from ITV’s Coronation Street. She first appeared on the show in 2017, introduced as a homeless woman found by Billy Mayhew. After a rocky start, Shona formed a relationship with David Platt, which blossomed despite initial setbacks, eventually leading to their marriage in 2019.
Shona’s backstory was complicated by her troubled relationship with her estranged son, Clayton. Clayton had a dark history, including being involved in the murder of David’s wife, Kylie Platt. Growing up in an abusive environment under his father, Dane Hibbs, had a lasting effect on him. Over time, Clayton’s dangerous behavior escalated, and he made several attempts on Shona’s life, including a prison break and a murder plot, which put her and her family at risk.
In 2019, Shona’s life took a dramatic turn during a Christmas Day shooting incident. She was critically injured, suffering severe brain damage. Her condition was so grave that her family was warned she might never regain consciousness. However, against the odds, Shona woke up from her coma, showing signs of recovery and sparking hope for her future.
The actress Julia Goulding took maternity leave in 2020, leading to Shona’s temporary departure from the show. During this time, Shona’s character was written out, with her being transferred to a specialist rehabilitation unit. This break allowed her to continue her recovery off-screen.
Shona returned to Coronation Street later in 2020, facing new challenges. She struggled with memory loss and PTSD, and the strain on her relationship with David became a focal point. This period also saw David’s infidelity, which added further tension to their relationship. In 2021, Shona was caught in a dangerous situation involving a sinkhole in the Platt family’s backyard, which put her life at risk once again.
In 2024, a new chapter began for Shona when her son, Clayton, attempted suicide after being misled by David into thinking Shona had cut him off. In retaliation, Shona had a brief affair with Kit Green, marking a significant turn in her personal life. Shona still lives at 8 Coronation Street and works as a waitress at Roy’s Rolls, guiding the aftermath of these turbulent events.
Throughout her time on Coronation Street, Shona has experienced a series of life-altering challenges, from domestic abuse and homelessness to brain injuries and emotional trauma. Despite everything, her resilience has shone through, and her relationships with her loved ones, especially David, continue to be central to her storyline.