What Happened To Lulu On General Hospital? ABC’s General Hospital reveals that Lulu is in a deep coma. So many people arrive and are waiting for a miracle for Lulu to wake up and return to them. However, also many people worry that she’ll never wake up and that her life will continue in a coma.
We have a recast, and we have somebody who popped up out of the blue that has everybody buzzing, and of course, that is Lulu Spencer. I mean, how wild was that? They didn’t show her, so it was probably just an extra pillow or something stuck in that hospital bed.
But those were great scenes, and we are going to dig into all of that in this article. Lulu Spencer will be returning to the show to the show but with a major recasting.
What Happened To Lulu On General Hospital?
As we all remember, Lulu tragically ended up in a coma following the devastating explosion at the floating rib. The possibility of Lulu reuniting with her former flame Dante, who is in a special relationship with Sam. This complicated love triangle has left fans anxiously waiting to see how it will unfold and what path the characters will ultimately choose.
Although Dante pledges to Sam to be with her forever, when Dante finally lays eyes on Lulu, he knows what emotions will come rushing back. Actually, emotions have a way of taking over, especially when faced with unexpected circumstances.
Lulu and Dante are one of the show’s favorite couples. They once had a sweet and bitter history, but after all, Lulu and Donta seemed to belong together. Additionally, their love for their child could also serve as a catalyst for bringing them closer together once again.
Lulu Spencer Is Coming Back To General Hospital
All right, let’s talk about the elephant in the Hospital Room, that’s Lulu Spencer. Oh, my gosh, guys, is this the new writer? We found out that as of Tuesday, July 25th, its replacement writers are in the writer’s room, and the handful of primary writers’ scripts ran out.
They obviously were writing more than a month ahead because the strike has been going on since May, right after the WGA writer’s strike. They had been writing ahead, and one of the writers confirmed that their scripts finished on July 24th, and everything from here out is replacement writers. But if the replacement writers immediately put Lulu Spencer in, then I’m like, “Yay, let’s give them a try, right?”
Will Emme Or Julie Come Back As Lulu?
GA Spoilers have also revealed that Lulu has undergone a recasting, prompting fervent speculation about the actress who will step into the iconic role. Emme first took on the role of Lulu back in 2013, but she had to say goodbye to her fans in 2020. Although it is not clear why she left the show, most viewers are hoping the actress will return and reprise her familiar role.
On the other hand, there is also speculation that Julie Marie Berman, who previously portrayed Lulu to critical acclaim, could make a triumphant return to reclaim the character she once breathed life into. This actress has won the Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Younger Actress many times. Will you choose Emme or Julie Marie? Viewers’ answers may be a hint for casting the show’s actress.

Will Emme Rylan Return As Lulu?
But it definitely looks like Lulu might be waking up. The question is if Emme Rylan is going to be back soon. They didn’t show her face, but Dante told Charlotte that the doctor said that Lulu could hear them talking to her. So the big question is whether or not it will be Emme and the part.
So right now, actress Emme Island is in St Louis on a family vacation. So she is not filming at the moment, but that doesn’t mean that she hasn’t already filmed or they’re planning to have her film. It’s not very clear. But it’s a very good sign, and it’s for a very good reason.
So right now, Dante is with Sam, but they could hit a speed bump if Lulu wakes up. Even though he and Lulu were not together, they were kind of talking, and things were getting kind of having a vibe between them, even though she was seeing Dustin, and then the explosion happened.
Plus, there is a rumor that Steve Burton could return to GH when his “Days Of Our Lives” contract expires in October. So imagine if Burton comes back as Jason, then maybe Sam might want to get back with him, which would leave Dante free for Lulu.
That’s certainly a way they could go. It just depends on what these new writers are thinking. Because Carly is with Drew, so maybe Sam goes back to Jason, and then Dante and Lulu get together.

So there’s all exciting stuff from these new writers, and the big question is also if Lulu Spencer is coming back to General Hospital, will it be in Emme Rylan, or could it be Julie Berman who played the role before? What do you guys think?
Charlotte Is Hoping For Her Mother To Wake Up
So the character Lulu, played by actor Emme Rylan still has no official ending. Everyone hopes that you can wake up soon, but if Lulu wakes up, this will create complicated situations for Dante and Sam as the two of them are about to get married.
Moreover, actor Emme Ryan has also been fired, so it’s not known as a character Lulu will continue to appear on GH or not. People have made a lot of predictions about this character. Will any Emme Rylan return and Lulu wake up soon? Or will Lulu be forever in a coma and no longer appear on GH? What will happen?
Meanwhile, although Charlotte is not Dante’s child, his relationship with her is still very good. Dante meets Charlotte, and this time Dante brings Charlotte in to visit her mother, Lulu. Dante still makes time to visit Lulu, even though she is in a coma.
Charlotte, excited to visit her mother, tries to talk to Lulu even though Lulu is lying still. However, the girl didn’t give up and continued to say love to her mother. Charlotte visits her mother and shares things happening in her life. The little girl still believes that her mother can hear and understand what she says.

Although not Dante’s biological child, she has become an important part of his life. Charlotte hopes that one day Lulu will wake up when she tries to confide in Lulu. Charlotte hoped that her mother would hear and return to her soon. Will Charlotte’s word work and Lulu will soon wake up to hear her daughter speak, or is everything in vain?
Emme Rylan’s Return Will Create New Possibilities
Besides, actress Emme Rylan has left GH since her character Lulu became a plant person. However, there are rumors that the rider will soon invite. After Emme, Rylan is back to continue playing the role of Lulu when it’s possible that the next time Lulu will wake up. This rumor makes fans extremely excited and looks forward to exciting developments in the future.
Many believe that the return of Emme Ryan will bring many new stories and special emotions to the character Lulu. Ever since Lulu fell into a vegetative state, fans have been very worried about the character’s future.
The return of Emme Ryan will open up many possibilities for the story, and this will create a moving and emotional scene when Lulu reunites with her family after a deep coma. Lulu’s return will mark an important milestone in the plot and create a lot of expectations from the audience. When will there be an official announcement about the return of actor Emmy Ryan? Will we be able to wake up, and how will things turn out?
Other Recasts In General Hospital
If you didn’t notice, there is a brand new Georgie Spinelli in Port Charles, and that is Eden Harker. Eden showed up on Friday’s Episode, and we are going to see more of her. Georgie has been sourced to a 14-year-old actress, and the actress she replaced was about 12. Her name was Lily Fisher.

You may also remember that Kirsten Storms, who of course plays Maxie, had her own daughter in the role of Harper Rose Barish, who is Kirsten’s daughter with Brandon Barish, who used to be on GH’s Johnny Zaccaro was playing that role for quite a while. But she’s not anymore, and now they have upped her up to a 14-year-old.
We also saw Scarlett Fernandez back as Charlotte Cassadine. That was because she needed to come on the scene to visit her comatose mom, Lulu. Dante took her over there, Charlotte was so very sad. She was talking about all the milestones that Lulu is missing in her life and how much she wants her mom to wake up, and how she hasn’t told anybody about what happened to her mom.
If you don’t remember, Cyrus Renault basically forced Julian Jerome to leave a bag, a briefcase, and something at the floating rib, and for all of Julian’s protest, he knew something bad was in that bag.
I mean something like that, it has to be a bomb, right? That killed Lulu’s boyfriend, Dustin, who was a school teacher. Killed him in the blast and nearly killed Lulu, and she has been in a coma ever since, and that is part of the huge grudge that Laura Spencer has against her brother Cyrus. So I’m sure if they are about to wake Lulu up, we’re going to be getting a lot more of Charlotte Cassadine.