Violet Evergarden made a significant impact on the anime and manga community with its compelling narrative. The series introduced viewers to Violet, a former soldier who joins the CH Postal Company as an Auto Memories Doll.
Her job is to assist others in writing heartfelt letters and stories, but her deeper motivation lies in understanding words spoken to her by her former Major.
While the series focuses on Violet’s personal growth, Director Taichi Ishidate revealed in a 2018 interview that there’s more to the story than just her development.
He explained that the series is about perceiving reality through Violet’s perspective. Rather than portraying how she changes and grows, the story shows how she influences and is influenced by those around her.
Ishidate likened Violet’s journey to viewing life through a prism, where the light of other characters passes through her and alters her understanding. The narrative doesn’t depict Violet as the catalyst for change; instead, it shows how she adapts to and learns from her interactions with others.
This unique approach sets Violet Evergarden apart, as it illustrates Violet’s growth through her relationships and evolving perception. It’s not just about her personal journey but also about the impact she has on those she encounters, making it a rich and emotionally resonant anime series.