It’s undeniable that Kagurabachi has emerged as one of the most prominent new manga series in Weekly Shonen Jump. With its gripping story centered around Chihiro, the manga continues to achieve significant milestones in sales and entertain fans.
The anticipation for an anime adaptation of Chihiro’s story is palpable, especially as renowned creators like the mastermind behind Vagabond and Slam Dunk have recommended the series.
While Kagurabachi appears poised for an anime adaptation in the future, the same cannot be said for Vagabond. First serialized in 1998, Inoue’s gritty tale shares similarities with Chihiro’s journey, yet there have been no indications of Vagabond making its way to the screen.
Vagabond Creator Takehiko Inoue Expresses His Admiration for Kagurabachi
The last chapter of Vagabond was released in 2015, leaving fans wondering if Inoue will continue the series or if the epic tale of Musashi has reached its conclusion.
In a write-up from the Hokkaido Shimbun newspaper, Inoue expressed his admiration for Kagurabachi and commended creator Takeru Hokazono for bringing Chihiro’s story to life with passion. Hokazono’s dedication to his craft shines through, and Inoue looks forward to the future of the series.
Kagurabachi’s origin story is equally fascinating, as revealed in a recent interview with Hokazono. The manga came into being during the coronavirus pandemic when Hokazono’s university shifted to online classes, allowing him more time at home to pursue his passion. Despite the initial challenges, Hokazono was determined to continue, eventually dropping out of university to focus on manga full-time.
For those unfamiliar with Kagurabachi, Shueisha has provided an official description of the series: Young Chihiro spends his days training under his famous swordsmith father, aspiring to become a great sword-maker himself. However, tragedy strikes, plunging Chihiro into a world of revenge and epic sword battles.
The success and acclaim surrounding Kagurabachi underscore its status as a rising star in manga industry, with fans eagerly awaiting its next developments and the possibility of an anime adaptation. Meanwhile, the legacy of Vagabond continues to resonate, leaving an indelible mark on readers even as its future remains uncertain.