Hao Chen was sleeping in a tower last time. Fans want to know what will happen to Hao Yue and Hao Chen in the next show. Hao Chen did not know the cave was so big. The school was starting again soon. They had to get him out quickly. That is the reason why fans of the series are really excited to find out what is going to happen next in the upcoming Throne of Seal Episode 80.
Outside the cave, there was a loud boom. Xian Sima and the others heard it. Xin Li got nervous. Hao Chen had been gone for 3 hours.
Xin Li wondered where her brother was. Lin Xin said don’t worry. He told her they were connected by a soul chain.
Recap and Review
Lin Xin told Cai Er he did not think they could handle the task. Xin Li was confused about what he meant. Lin Xin said he was careless and the demon would die at the cave mouth. He said the quest was too high level for them.

Xin Li asked if another group was taking the demon hunt instead. Hao Chen saw even young demons could not defend themselves. Hao Chen thought following the blood would lead to answers. But he slipped on the trail and landed somewhere unknown.
Hao Chen realized something was escaping from below. He threw a rock and knew another tragedy was coming. He left to see what was down there.
Hao Chen encountered some difficulties and obstacles while investigating the demon territory, but eventually, he was able to make his way back safely to where his comrades were waiting. Dian Yan immediately questioned Hao Chen about the situation and what he had discovered.

Hao Chen regretfully informed the group that continuing this quest did not seem worthwhile or beneficial. On the contrary, they had already taken so many unnecessary detours and wasted time, and the deeper Hao Chen went into the demon territory, the more powerful and dangerous the demons became.
Lin Xin wisely suggested they should call it a day and stop this quest before things got worse. Cai Er firmly agreed with Lin Xin’s assessment.
During this failed quest, Hao Chen also hurt himself a little bit in skirmishes with the demons. It was clear they were already pushing themselves to their limits on this mission. However, Dian Yan was still reluctant and not ready to give up and leave just yet.

Dian Yan passionately reminded everyone how much effort, sacrifice, and merit badges it had cost them just to get this far. All of that would be wasted if they turned back now. Lin Xin pragmatically pointed out this was the reality of being demoted to lower-level quests.
Lin Xin acknowledged it was difficult but reassured them they could slowly earn back the credit and merit badges they had lost. However, if any of them lost their lives on this quest, that would be an irrecoverable loss.
He reasoned that the fact a powerful level six demon had died here was proof enough that it was only natural they could not realistically complete their mission.
Spoilers and Expectations
Dian Yan apologized for not listening to their wise advice earlier, though Lin Xin was still unsure exactly what he meant by saying that. Lin Xin reminded him that Hao Chen had courageously taken the lead and gone the furthest into the demon territory.
Hao Chen told them firmly to stop arguing amongst themselves. He told Dian Yan sympathetically that he understood his motivations and concerns. However, Hao Chen’s experience also gave him insight into how much more dangerous the demon territory would become the longer they lingered.
Yet despite the risks, Hao Chen declared he was still willing to go back because, during the investigation, he had felt they were very close to discovering the source they were seeking.
Release Date & Where To Watch
The upcoming Throne of Seal Episode 80 is scheduled to be out for the fans to watch on November 9, 2023.
- Japanese Standard Time: 10:00 PM on Thursday, November 9, 2023
- Central European Time: 03:00 PM on Thursday, November 9, 2023
- New York: 09:00 AM on Thursday, November 9, 2023
- Australian Capital Territory: 12:00 AM on Thursday, November 9, 2023
- Pacific Time: 06:00 AM on Thursday, November 9, 2023
- Eastern European Time: 03:00 PM on Thursday, November 9, 2023
You will be able to watch the upcoming Throne of Seal Episode 80 at the time and dates we have mentioned on Tencent Video.