Andersen’s divine fury will soon be unleashed as the truth of the twisted puppeteering comes to light. Those unfortunates rendered into mindlessly chanting her name were once loyal devotees now stripped of the essence. Ultimately, the embittered goddess will claim the body of the central hero Jaehwa in her quest for vengeance in The World After The Fall Chapter 108.
The fantastical journey of the Metabus thus far has tracked Hans’ gradual maturation while spotlighting the sixth floor’s lingering mystery – why Andersen’s former fanatics deteriorated into hollow shells.
Moreover, protagonist Jaehwan undergoes the uneasy experience of his corporeal form being commandeered without consent by the domineering deity.
Some fans take umbrage at Andersen brazenly co-opting Jaehwan’s body and agency irrespective of his wishes.

Additionally, her abrupt takeovers leave the hapless hero abruptly unclothed, forcing him to replace garments later.
However, the good-natured lead of this genre-blending fable is tolerant of these impositions, save for annoyance at the goddess’s maternal condescension toward him.
With puppet strings and sinister secrets soon to be exposed, the stage is set for Andersen’s retribution fueled by a mother’s wrath as questions that have simmered for six floors finally reach boiling points.

Yet her brazen hijacking of beloved characters promises more provocative intrigue in this fantastical saga before the falling dust settles.
Recap and Review
As chapter 107 opens, Renee is mid-broadcast before her divine digital audience, garbed in a flashy new ensemble acquired from the fortune-based Gacha pulls.
When queried about financing these randomized luck-draw outfits modeled after donor Yoo Sangah, the streamer transparently details utilizing channel subscription profits but deflects further probing about her physical living pod.

Seeking respite from nosy lines of questioning, Renee redirects focus toward the main spectacle – tracking a bare and disoriented Jaehwan suddenly manifested across the city.
Still reeling from Andersen forcibly borrowing his corporeal form previously, the involuntarily exposed hero finds himself wrestling with both loss of clothing and memory when controlled by the goddess.
Renee’s viewer’s eye is fresh entertainment while she monitors her camera feed, trailing the befuddled and bare protagonist as he attempts to gather his bearings.
With the stage set for more divine hijinks at Jaehwan’s expense, his path to unraveling reality’s underlying mysteries promises entertaining trials ahead – much to the joy of Renee’s rapt celestial audience.

Unbeknownst to himself, clueless hero Jaehwan has become an unwilling viral celebrity among a particular streamer’s enthralled digital devotees.
However, the inadvertent media darling remains consumed with caring for Andersen’s vestigial human acolytes, now emptied of soul and volition after endless years invoking her name.
Even the imposing figure of Hans, introduced earlier as a battle-hardened horror, has, at last, collapsed, entreating protagonist Jaehwan during their final breaths to summon the absent goddess Andersen back to her regressing flock.

Yet the preoccupied champion undertakes this task while oblivious to the excited spectacle he creates for Renee’s roaring online fanbase whenever Andersen forcibly inhabits his body without consent.
As word spreads between realms of Jaehwan’s hijacked form roaming the mortal plane, his fame grows among mythic circles enthralled by an unconscious celebrity unable to bask in his surging reputation.
Spoilers and Expectations
Chapter 108 will chronicle a revealing flashback, introducing two critical new figures – Rachel Young, seemingly a meek mortal bearing the reincarnated soul of Andersen herself, as well as the enigmatic god Edan Kart, who once moved into Andersen’s inner circle.

This glimpse into the past will illuminate an alternate depiction of Andersen, not as a nurturing deity devoted to her cherished subjects, but instead as a fierce, complex figure forged through unthinkable tragedy along with her equally afflicted acolytes.
Though her sole driving purpose is liberating her hypnotized followers from torment across the sixth floor of Metabus, Andersen’s methods have elicited rebukes.
Release Date & Where To Read
The upcoming The World After The Fall Chapter 108 is scheduled to be out for the fans to read on January 3, 2024.
- Japanese Standard Time: 10:00 PM on Wednesday, January 3, 2024
- Central European Time: 03:00 PM on Wednesday, January 3, 2024
- New York: 09:00 AM on Wednesday, January 3, 2024
- Australian Capital Territory: 12:00 AM on Wednesday, January 3, 2024
- Pacific Time: 06:00 AM on Wednesday, January 3, 2024
- Eastern European Time: 03:00 PM on Wednesday, January 3, 2024
You will be able to read the upcoming The World After The Fall Chapter 108 at the time and dates we have mentioned on WebToon or Naver.