The audience of the modern world has shown a lot of liking towards thriller films. Films of other genres could not match the excitement and intensity that a good thriller film could deliver. The modern era of psychological thriller films has won the attention of many fans due to the unique feel it gives its fans.
The mind-twisting moments with the right amount of intense thrills make it a winning genre. The Visitor is one of the latest psychological thrillers on the streaming platform, Netflix. The film takes its audience on a twisted journey with many mind-bending moments. The Visitor received several mixed reviews.
Many viewers did not like the slow progression, which dragged the storyline. As the story nears its end, many moments occur at a rapid pace, and a ton of the audience feels like they are rushing towards the end all of a sudden. The Visitor has a convincing storyline that could have been successful, with a different execution.
Directed by Justin P Lange, the story of The Visitor is portrayed as the best idea for an ideal psychological thriller as it contains a lot of moments that mess up our minds. We will not be able to keep track of what’s happening and what’s not. The audience of the movie couldn’t judge the certainty of the movie.
With a total runtime of about an hour and a half, The Visitor gives us a satisfactory feel of watching a good psychological thriller, which lags a little bit here and there regarding the pace. Actors like Finn Jones and Jessica McNamee supported the film and delivered the desired intensity through their acting skills.

The story of The Visitor grows a lot darker throughout the entire film, and the end concludes with a very twisted note. The story’s suspense makes it a lot more interesting, making it a good watch for those who love twisted psychological thrillers. Let us now look deep into the plot of The Visitor.
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The Plot of The Visitor
The Visitor’s storyline talks about the disturbing events which occur in the life of the protagonist named Robert. Robert and his wife, Maia, have been together for quite some time. The couple moves into the hometown of Maia to start a family and raise children together.
Robert is new to Maia’s hometown, but he feels a strange familiarity and connection to the place. Even the residents of the town seem to know him. As the story progresses, the protagonist starts to experience strange and disturbing visuals. He unveils the truth about the town and his ancestry one after the other.
Things get intense when he comes across a portrait of a person who looks just like him, which makes him question his identity. The disturbing concepts of satanism get introduced midway, filling the movie with many sinister ideas and events. The ending of The Visitor left the audience disturbingly hanging.
The transition of the movie from being a normal average thriller into a totally disturbing psychological thriller has made it an interesting watch for many thriller fans.
The Visitor: Ending Explained
Many people who have watched the entire movie were left disturbed by the climax. The ending contained a lot of scenes that messed up the audience’s minds. Every single bad event of the film was connected to that one infamous personality named Alistair Edgar. He was the root of all evil, according to the storyline.
The movie took a dark turn only when Robert discovered the portrait of Alistair Edgar, who looked just like him. Robert was a direct descendant of Alistair, who was a satanic cult leader during his time. The cult continued to grow and exists to date due to the following of Alistair.
A new leader is needed to fill the thrown of Alistair, and this is where Robert comes into play. He was the only direct descendant of Alistair Edgar, making him a perfect match for taking control of the cult. The film induced a lot of disturbing ideas throughout the entire storyline.
Now, people can see Robert carrying the portrait of the latest leader of the cult, who was his father. This shows us that Robert is now ready to take on the purpose of his ancestors by helping his cult to branch out. He is ready to serve the purpose for which his ancestors lived.
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