Sony announced a live-action One Punch Man movie in 2020. After three years of silence, news is finally here.
According to The Hollywood Reporter, Dan Harmon and Heather Anne Campbell, known for Rick and Morty, will be writing the movie. Justin Lin, director of five Fast & Furious movies, is on board too.
This latest announcement has reignited excitement among fans. They believe that the action-comedy style of the manga/anime will work great in live-action.
However, some are curious if the movie will add anything new to the One Piece series franchise.
One Punch Man Live-Action Movie’s Potential Contributions to the Franchise?
The live-action movie will introduce a fresh wave of fans to the franchise. With all the excitement surrounding it, these newcomers will likely watch the film first.
If it lives up to expectations, they might then explore the series or read Yusuke Murata’s original manga.
Live-action adaptations of manga and anime haven’t always been warmly welcomed. It’s only recently, with the announcement of Yu Yu Hakusho and One Piece live-action adaptations, that people have started to get excited about them.

The One Piece live-action series attracted many Western fans to the fanbase. These were people who hadn’t watched the series or read the manga before but became intrigued by the story after seeing the high-quality live-action adaptation.
Similarly, for Yu Yu Hakusho, the live-action version breathed new life into the entire fanbase.
How the One Punch Man Live-Action Adaptation Might Redefine the fandom?
The One Punch Man manga has seen a decline in its fanbase lately, mainly due to multiple redraws of chapters. Despite the anime being funny with fantastic action scenes, it could face challenges ahead.
That’s why if the One Punch Man live-action adaptation hits the spot, it could breathe new life into the OPM fandom.
It could attract more people who’ll love the quirky storyline and unique characters. But it all hinges on the movie’s cast, story, and action scenes, which are still under wraps.