The newest chapter 414 of the popular manga series My Hero Academia has garnered enthusiastic praise and reactions from its loyal readership.
This is largely owing to the creative battle tactics demonstrated by the fgonist Izuku “Deku” Midoriya in his climactic fight against the villain Tomura Shigaraki.

Specifically, Deku makes the bold decision to launch a mental incursion into Shigaraki’s psyche by unlocking the latent Quirks of past One For All wielders.
While Deku’s stratagem appears well-intentioned on the surface, numerous fans have logically speculated that he may lose access to most of his arsenal of Quirks, possibly retaining only two.

This prediction contradicts the stated goal of Deku’s spiritual predecessors to defeat Shigaraki from within using their combined might.
However, events unfolding in chapter 414 lend credibility to the theory that Deku will emerge from this encounter significantly depleted, yet alive with a minimum of two Quirks.

The reasoning behind this belief among readers is still awaiting future revelation.
Deku’s Struggle Against Shigaraki’s Influence
In the most recent installment, chapter 414 of the manga My Hero Academia, Izuku “Deku” Midoriya continues to press forward with his audacious plan to defeat archvillain Tomura Shigaraki by invading his subconscious mind.

Accompanied by the spiritual vestiges of previous One For All wielders, Deku has been pushed beyond his physical and mental limits, staying in the fight primarily through sheer determination and mastery of the Blackwhip Quirk.

Astute readers have theorized Deku will likely retain access to at least two Quirks by the battle’s conclusion.
Blackwhip seems especially integral to his continued resistance against Shigaraki, with its former user Daigoro Banjo providing ongoing advice and encouragement throughout the struggle.

Without Blackwhip’s versatility, Deku may be rendered completely unable to oppose Shigaraki, possibly deciding the conflict outright.

Additionally, chapter 414 spotlights Deku’s growing rapport with former wielder En, creatively implementing En’s Smokescreen Quirk.
This demonstrates Deku’s tactical creativity, weaponizing any available power if applied thoughtfully. Consequently, Smokescreen could be the second Quirk audience members expect Deku to retain moving forward.

The complex bond between Deku and his spiritual mentors has become an engaging subplot for many fans.
What To Expect From The Future My Hero Academia Story
The most recent installment of the highly popular manga series My Hero Academia was met with an enthused reception from loyal readers.
In particular, Izuku “Deku” Midoriya displays more of the clever battle tactics and strategic prowess that fans have yearned to see after a prolonged absence.

The chapter concludes on an intriguing cliffhanger as well, with Deku and archnemesis Tomura Shigaraki’s minds and memories becoming intertwined. This convergence could signify the climax of their lengthy confrontation.

Devoted fans have long speculated that Deku may ultimately seek to redeem the redeem the supervillain Shigaraki. With their perspectives now metaphorically merging, the next chapter seems likely to explore this direction.

By comprehending one another on a deeper level, Deku’s efforts to save Shigaraki could become more credible.
However, a thought-provoking question arises – does a character as morally compromised as Shigaraki deserve salvation? Throughout the series, he has perpetrated horrific atrocities without remorse.

Some readers argue such a damaged individual cannot or should not be redeemed. This philosophical debate is likely to intensify moving forward.
More About My Hero Academia
My Hero Academia centers around Izuku Midoriya, a bullied yet idealistic boy born without special abilities in a world where superpowers are commonplace. He dreams of becoming a superhero himself one day, idolizing and then meeting the legendary hero All Might.

All Might sees potential in young Izuku and bestows upon him the torch of his power, One For All – a Quirk that accumulates raw might across generations.

Izuku enrolls in the prestigious U.A. High academy alongside his former bully Katsuki Bakugo to hone his blossoming skills.

Throughout his freshman years, Izuku and his diverse classmates defend against sinister threats like the League of Villains, led by All Might’s archnemesis’ protege Tomura Shigaraki.

Shigaraki aims to demolish societal order using Nomus – creatures fused with multiple Quirks.
Suspicions of a traitor within U.A. teaching staff arise due to frequent information leaks. After a sports festival, Izuku’s friend Tenya Ida loses his brother to the murderous Hero Killer Stain.
Though defeated by Izuku and allies, Stain inspires mayhem, with several psychotic villains joining the League of Villains.