The Blacklist Season 10 Episode 8 is titled “The Troll Farmer Part 2”. We are going troll-hunting everybody so prepare yourselves. Everything is Part 2 seemingly in this Season. And it’s interesting because we’ve seen some of these things sort of listed as Part 2 and then the show airs it and it’s actually the conclusion and sometimes it’s still Part 2 like The Freelancer.
This one’s going to be fun because it’s like we already know there’s a Part 3. So it’s like we’ve got an Unholy Trinity of Troll Farmer, I guess if you will. Whatever happens here is going to continue into the following week.
We’ll talk a little bit about all of this, but I’ve also got a lot of questions about something that’s coming in the weeks ahead that could be one of the most important Reddington episodes of all time, really, to the point where I’m creating. Unrealistic expectations are in my head, and I’m probably going to be disappointed. Because that’s what happens.
You know, we have a The Blacklist Season 10 Episode 7 review that you’re really going to want to check out because there are some really interesting theories that we get into in that. We have some pretty good tinfoil hat theories and one of them is about a potential spin-off that they may be setting up with whoever’s #2.
The Blacklist Season 10 Episode 8 Spoilers
So let’s start this The Blacklist Season 10 Episode 8 Spoilers with just a quick little refresher, “Who is the Troll Farmer you ask?” OK, so we’re gonna go back in time now to Season 3. Here Liz is alive, she has blonde hair, and she in Reddington is going on the run. And the Troll Farmer’s name is Bo Chang.

What the troll farmer can ultimately do is, you know, he’s got a team and they can use social media accounts and all this other sort of stuff to create these big massive divergence. What they did in Season Three was they were able to sort of set up this way for Reddington and Liz to successfully escape the city and they were able to create all these different ruses through all of this.
Now, at the end of all of this, though, Reddington basically sells out the Troll Farmer to the FBI. As a way of sort of ensuring that, “Hey, you guys, let me get out of here or whatever. I’m going to throw you a bone. Here you go. Here’s the Troll Farmer”. We learned earlier this Season that The Troll Farmer has actually been released, so he doesn’t even need to be busted out of prison.
It’s nice to have a little bit of a refresher on that. I mean it’s been a while some for some of us. It’s nice to have a bit of a reminder of who the toll farmer is and what they’re actually capable of going into these next few episodes where, you know, they’re going to be the focus.
Wujing Working With The Other Criminals
Here’s the one pet peeve I have with this Season so far. I don’t need a scene every single episode of either Wujing or one of Wujing’s people being like “Here is what we have found out about Reddington and his potential immunity agreement with…” I mean, OK, I know you guys need to explain this to these criminals all the time, but we don’t need to see it every single episode.
But sometimes I like it. And the reason that I like it is that I like the idea of seeing what people’s reactions are. Like in The Blacklist Season 10 Episode 7, we’re seeing the three months previous where it’s like “Oh yeah, this is what we found out” and they’re like “Prove it. I don’t know you. I don’t know you from anybody as you know. How do I know you’re telling me the truth? No, I don’t believe it.”

I like seeing the different reactions because I wasn’t sure as a criminal about Wujing and how he was going to bring in other criminals. Criminals are, you know, inherently not gonna trust each other. So I was always kind of like Wujing has a list of criminals. How is he gonna get them to trust him, another criminal, and That what he’s saying is true?
I think that’s what makes this whole photographer story in episode 7 important now. Because it’s like, yeah, we saw him bring in, you know, the hired people from the end of last season with Marvin. Just like who cares? Like, really? I don’t care about those people at all. Troll Farmers are Much more interesting.
Wujing Working With The Troll Farmer
But now Wujing has proof now that he can show the Troll Farmer to be like “OK, you know, here you go. Here’s what’s going on with the Reddington and the FBI. Will you work with me now?”
The synopsis suggests that they’re going to investigate some social media events that could lead to some pretty dangerous stuff happening in the public. But it’s just sort of like, “What does Wujing want from all of this and what’s with this particular guy?”
I mean, it’s hard to know. I wouldn’t have expected The Blacklist Season 10 Episode 7 to be what he was setting up, which was really slick by the way.

I thought that was put together so slickly of that sort of idea of like, “OK, I can’t get certain types of proof that Reddington and the FBI are working together. But I can get this, where basically I’m going to have some people feed Reddington some information. If the FBI shows up every single time, there’s a pattern here. And that I’m giving information to writing a ton and then ohh the FBI is magically showing up. How is that a thing?” I thought it was so well done.
Wujing Will Expose Reddington Online?
We are in a very strange and at times terrifying reality when it comes to technology in the world today. And I feel like Troll Farmer’s pretty up to date with some stuff and we know Wujing wants to embarrass Reddington, so I’m kind of joking and kind of not. So it is possible that the Troll Farmer uses social media just everything to create an AI Reddington that is like doing the Macarena? Or like doing other weird Embarrassing things.
I’m using an extreme example. OK, take the Macarena out of it. But let’s just say he’s going to create something with Reddington, that’s not even really that makes Reddington look like the opposite of the Reddington we know. Who knows, maybe the Reddington we know would do the Macarena in certain situations. But my point is just that if he wants to embarrass Reddington using technology in order to do it feels like a pretty feasible thing.
It’s possible, I mean I don’t know if Wujing’s at the point yet that he would be able to use a big following online to share what he knows. I mean that’s how information quickly sort of spreads around to everybody.

Like, you know, criminals use social media as well. It can get out there, it could just be actual news that it’s really just everywhere. And one of the theories that I had come up with in my last article is that the thing that Reddington is creating is a second post office. And that he needs to move the task force out of the post office because Wujing’s getting closer and closer and closer to them and they’re all in danger and everything’s in danger of sort of falling apart at this point.
So if it becomes known that all of this is happening on social media, this might sort of be like the very short changeover where Reddington says, “OK, everybody, pack your bags. Get your Donuts from the cafeteria that everyone’s eating and move them all over to this new shiny place that I put together. I hope they have a snack room too because people gotta have the snacks. They gotta have a croissant station in a vase if Aram wants to come back.
Rumored Future Episode Title
So with all of this with the potential second post office or whatever Reddington’s Endgame here is. It kind of translates into something that’s a few episodes down the road. And I want to start this by saying this is just rumored and this is not official yet, but there is a title out there and I believe it is for episode 11.
We are entering episode 8 this weekend. We know there’s a Troll Farmer Part 3, that’s episode 9. There’s one more episode after that. Then we’re in this episode that has been labeled “The Man In The Hat”. There’s no blacklist number on this. Obviously, I don’t think there needs to be a lot of thinking to figure out who “The Man in the Hat” here is.

If this rumor is true and take it for what it is, this could be a really big Reddington episode where we may not get answers on his identity. I think if we’re going to get answers on his identity that is confirmed like John Eisendrath has said that he wants, that’s not gonna be till the final episodes.
I’m not expecting that in this particular episode, but I do think that’s sort of a good endpoint for us and for everyone who sort of is wondering what Reddington is up to right now. What is he trying to build, what is sort of in his mind right now?
Because I think, one of the biggest struggles in this Season and a lot of the Blacklist is that we don’t really ever get fully inside Reddington’s head. And you know that makes episodes like Cape May, depending on how you want to interpret all that really fascinating. Because it’s kind of as close as you get at times.
Reddington Will Meet People From The Past
I’m hoping that the episode “The Man in the Hat”, which I’m sure we’ll talk a lot more about down the road if that title ends up sticking. But I think it’s something for us to sort of just look a little bit at and sort of know, “OK, we’re going to get something related to answers on Reddington side of this”.
Whether it be what he’s building or why he’s couch surfing as much as he is. What’s going on? Are we gonna find out anything about his past? I don’t know, but you know, it’s possible we get some flashbacks at some point along the line here.
It would make sense too, that we would get some sort of interaction with more people from the past. It is the final Season. Plus, we’ve had Reddington just gave this speech to Cooper in the last episode where he was kind of like, “You know, all these people that are near me all are sort of dying”.
But we also then have seen him reconnecting with a lot of people from the past, where he is trying to like to leave a trail of good behind him and kind of fix some of the mistakes he thinks he’s made or just do better as he’s maybe going towards the end of the road.
I will say this since we mentioned to Aram earlier on, if there’s ever a time to bring Aram back, isn’t it when you’ve got somebody creating a ton of false social media profiles that you need to find a way to quickly eliminate this? It isn’t exactly Herbie’s area of expertise. His computer skills. They seemed to be trying to get Sia to follow him online.

Vesco Did Not Know Anything About Reddington
There’s just 1 little thing I want to point out and that is in his speech about Vesco. Reddington makes a real point of noting that Vesco, while he was close that he taught him everything he knows, Vesco doesn’t actually know a lot about who Reddington really is. And I think in the grand scheme of things that may not matter that much.
But I just found it very interesting that they chose to put that in there, just as another reminder that there is still this larger mystery. They haven’t given us an answer and we also don’t have to sit around being mad and shaking our fists in the air that we lost somebody who actually knew the truth because Vesco didn’t really know anything. It didn’t seem that he did.
The Blacklist Season 10 Episode 8 Release Time & Where To Watch
The Blacklist Season 10 Episode 8 will air at 10 pm ET. The release timings for Episode 8 for the rest of the world are as follows:
- 10:00 pm Eastern Time (New York, USA) on Monday, 17th April 2023
- 2:00 am Greenwich Mean Time (London, UK) on Tuesday, 18th April 2023
- 7:30 am Indian Standard Time (Mumbai, India) on Tuesday, 18th April 2023
- 11:00 am Japan Standard Time (Tokyo, Japan) on Tuesday, 18th April 2023
- 11:00 am Korean Standard Time (Seoul, Korea) on Tuesday, 18th April 2023
- 1:00 Pm Australian Standard Time (Sydney, Australia) on Tuesday, 18th April 2023
You can watch Episode 8 on NBC in the US.
Also Read: How To Watch The Blacklist Season 10 Episodes? Streaming Guide