Excited for The Blacklist Season 10 Episode 8? Because the Troll farmer is coming back to work with Wujing and causing trouble for Reddington.
But a lot of really interesting things went down in The Blacklist Season 10 Episode 7. In this episode, we had the return of the Freelancer, yet again. We are getting a lot of part 2’s this season. I then thought, “Oh, was the gap between Part 1 and Part 2 that wide?” Has there ever been a bigger time difference between Parts 1 and 2?
I mean, obviously, usually, they’re back-to-back episodes or at least later in the season at the bare minimum. But now we’re getting like The Freelancer Part 2. Don’t even know if this is the conclusion or not. I didn’t pay attention at the beginning. I don’t think it’s at a conclusion but maybe It did. I mean, this is the final season and we’re closing a lot of Chapters.
The Blacklist Season 10 Episode 7 Recap
Before diving into The Blacklist Season 10 Episode 8 let’s quickly do a recap of the previous episode. I think it’s also interesting to think about in the grand scheme of things that it makes sense to close any threads. Especially considering the fact that Wujing is on his warpath against Reddington trying to prove. And I love that this episode ends up being the focal point of why Wujing is trying to get after Reddington.

I mean first and foremost, it’s always been, “Hey, if I don’t have proof, I can’t expose Reddington to the criminal world”. I thought that was always Wujing’s endgame. But seems like that’s not the case. Wujing was trying to reveal Reddington’s connection to the FBI task force and everything for a very specific person.
Apparently, there was a guy that got caught by the CIA last season, who was working for Marvin, and that guy’s crew and brother-in-arms are who Wujing is trying to go after. Because he needs the muscle to go up against Reddington and his connections and his criminal enterprise and everything. So I guess that was the main motivator. That’s why he’s so adamant about proof.
A New The Blacklist Spinoff?
This idea of the new post office and having the team move over there and Reddington’s been circling sort of the same theme this Season. That is he thinks that maybe his death is coming. It could be we have the whole Reddington is sick and then it kind of disappeared. But did it? You know, he might still kind of be around, we don’t know, right? But we have theorized here that we do think that this show is gonna end up with Reddington dying. And if that’s the case, here’s my Theory.
I’m starting to feel like we might get a spin-off. And that maybe, this is just my theory that maybe, James Spader wanted to move on to some other things. Or it’s been 10 Seasons, do you know what I mean? Like, he may want to try something else creatively. Whatever the reason is that the show is ending. Maybe someone like Netflix, who’s like rolling around in Blacklist money is just like, “Well, we don’t want that cash cow to end”.
So maybe there’s going to be this new post office where the task force moves and whoever is #2 who we haven’t seen on The Blacklist yet, who I was convinced was like the real Raymond Reddington for a really long time. But now I’m kind of like, “What if there is #2?”

There’s going to be somebody very important to Reddington who ends up being the new Reddington in whatever spin-off could possibly happen. And I’m making this up in my head. Like, is there a way to get more Blacklist that would unfortunately not have James Spader, but maybe have somebody else who’s like a high-Quality A-list actor like James.
What intrigues me the most about this idea at this point is just sort of this idea of how can we continue on the legacy of this show and still experiment a little bit. Moving to Netflix would be really fun, it would allow them to get darker, and more intense. This has always been sort of a Sony show, and NBC has been happy to carry it for a long time. Ratings on NBC aren’t as great anymore.
Who Will Lead The New Spinoff?
I did for a long time think that “OK, the real Katarina is #2”. But number #3 was labeled as Katarina Rostova like long ago. It wasn’t labeled as “Whoever the Katarina impostor is?” So maybe the real Katarina is number #3. I thought for a long time that Neville was #2, but they never gave Neville a number. Neville is seemingly dead. As much fun as I have to joke about that, I don’t think they’re bringing Neville back from the grave at this point.
But I’m curious to hear from you guys, who would be #2 that you guys would watch as a spin-off? For me if Reddington and Katarina are not the same people and to us, I know we’ve had this conversation with you guys, it is not fully confirmed on the show and one of the showrunners, John Eisendrath, has said that it is not fully confirmed on the show and that if it is not fully confirmed on the show by the end of this season, then he lost out on what he wanted to do and he was overruled.
So even he has said that it hasn’t been fully, fully confirmed. It doesn’t mean that Reddington’s not Katarina. It could be, it could be something else. He’s just saying that it has not been actually confirmed on the show yet. However, let’s say that the real Katarina is out there and she is #2, I would watch that spin-off. If that was it and she’s the new Reddington, I mean what a cool character.

Reddington Is Nearing His End
It could be really, really fun to have a Spinoff. It’s a really exciting thing to think about. It makes me feel a little less excited as opposed to just, like, fully depressed at the idea that this show is ending. And I know we’re probably gonna lose Reddington no matter what.
Even in The Blacklist Season 10 Episode 7 when he is sort of around Raelio for that while and trying to support his new business. All of this felt a lot like “OK this is Reddington sort of knowing whatever he’s building here is probably his final salvo”. Either he’s still really sick or he thinks that you know something’s going to happen because of Wujing. And he’s really trying to make sure that he takes care of the people who have been loyal to him.
I think it’s not just generosity but also that he really enjoyed the experience of being around that Family and actually getting some good food. These are things that he enjoys. He’s always been like this worldly man of the people who values these experiences, and I think he’s cherishing these little moments now in a way that he really hadn’t before.
And I think because of what he said to Cooper that “everybody around me, that I really care about just keeps dying on me.” He does feel that guilt and he’s sort of trying a way to pay it forward to other people who have helped him throughout the time that he cares about, that he wants to know that they succeed, where he’s even like “Oh, let me invest in what’s going on” and he’s like, “no, you’ve done enough”.

I think it’s really important to him that if he feels like his time is coming to an end, he’s done some bad things. I don’t think anybody on here’s gonna come here and pretend like Reddington is a Good guy. He’s done some bad things. He’s a complicated guy. He’s done good things, but also he’s done bad things. But I think he’s at this point of his life where he wants to try to tip the scale into doing some more good before he goes out. Now we will discuss when Episode 8 of The Blacklist Season 10 will release.
The Blacklist Season 10 Episode 8 Release Date
The Blacklist Season 10 Episode 8 will release on 17 April 2023 on NBC. Episode 8 is titled “The Troll Farmer (No. 38) – Part 2,” and the Synopsis of the episode is as follows: “The Task Force looks into a number of online theories that mimic risky public threats. The group investigates the Troll Farmer’s participation in the theft of a top-secret government project. ”
The Blacklist Season 10 Episode 8 Release Time & Where To Watch
Episode 8 of The Blacklist Season 10 will air at 10 pm ET. The Episode 8 release timings for the rest of the world are as follows:
- 10:00 pm Eastern Time (USA) on Monday, 17 April 2023
- 2:00 am Greenwich Mean Time (London) on Tuesday, 18 April 2023
- 7:30 am Indian Standard Time (India) on Tuesday, 18 April 2023
- 11:00 am Japan Standard Time (Japan) on Tuesday, 18 April 2023
- 11:00 am Korean Standard Time (Korea) on Tuesday, 18 April 2023
- 1:00 pm Australian Standard Time (Australia) on Tuesday, 18 April 2023
You can watch The Blacklist S10 E8 on NBC in the US.
Also Read: How To Watch The Blacklist Season 10 Episodes? Streaming Guide