Saitama, despite being depicted as an invincible hero able to defeat any foe with a single punch, has interestingly endured his share of losses and setbacks on his journey to becoming the strongest hero.
Though nearly unbeatable in direct physical combat, Saitama has been bested in video games, eating contests, and even rock-paper-scissors by both villains and fellow heroes alike.
These humorous defeats serve to humanize the otherwise unstoppable Saitama, reminding viewers that even the greatest heroes have off days.
They also highlight Saitama’s general lack of skill or interest in anything unrelated to combat. While no enemy has yet to physically overpower Saitama, he nonetheless accumulates losses due to his own laziness, carelessness, or refusal to exert the effort needed to win silly competitions.

Saitama’s losses, though rare, provide valuable insight into his personality while generating levity and laughs. They reinforce his characterization as an unmotivated yet honorable hero who always prevails when it truly counts – protecting the innocent.
Even if he sometimes loses silly games to friends or foes, Saitama will never falter when defeating the villains that threaten his world.
Every time Saitama Lost A Battle
Here is the compilation of all the small and huge events where the unbeatable (or beatable) Saitama lost a battle.
5. Teenager Saitama
Before he was the strongest hero around, Saitama endured harsh realities as an isolated middle schooler obsessed with fictional superheroes, dreaming that one day he too could be an undefeatable champion of justice.

However, his weakness and lack of fighting skills led to early defeats.
As told in the bonus chapter, Saitama had no friends or interest in gossip as a new 7th grader, oblivious even to rumors of dangerous bullies targeting students.

Tragically proving the warnings true, Saitama soon crossed paths with the infamous delinquents and rashly challenged them, believing in superhero fantasy rather than acknowledging his own frail body.
The older teens ruthlessly beat up the hopelessly overwhelmed Saitama before stealing his meager 200 yen, serving up a brutal dose of reality and teaching through pain what television heroes had not about cruelty, criminality, and vulnerability – lessons never forgotten on Saitama’s path to becoming a true, undefeatable hero focused on protecting the powerless from those who once preyed upon him.
This profile of Saitama’s unremarkable early life and abusive first loss peeled back intriguing layers of motivations fuelling his disciplined hero’s journey.
4. Defeat by Piggy Bancon and the Birth of Heroic Resolve
Saitama’s early tribulations continued when the mystical monster Piggy Bancon targeted the bullies who had just robbed Saitama, stealing their ill-gotten cash.
Initially satisfied by karmic justice, Saitama’s perspective shifted upon overhearing one thief plead the money was desperately needed for his little brother’s meals.

Childhood adversity had cultivated Saitama’s profound sympathy for the vulnerable. Compelled by heroic selflessness even for his tormentors, Saitama impulsively confronted the bizarre beast to retrieve the stolen funds.
Tragically, his scrawny adolescent body proved grossly inadequate against supernatural might.
Piggy Bancon ruthlessly flattened Saitama against a brick wall, delivering a concussion and knocking him out cold for over an hour.
To compound humiliation, Saitama awoke to a stern teacher’s lecture chastising his reckless 200 yen crusade.
Piggy Bancon’s crushing domination underscored Saitama’s powerlessness, while the teacher’s criticism highlighted immaturity. It was a two-fold defeat – physical and ethical.
The desire to protect was emerging within Saitama, but not yet the strength or wisdom. Though failures proved disheartening, they fueled his burning drive to gain the skills to righteously defend the helpless.
His was the origin story of the struggle necessary to forge the self-made, unconquerable hero.
3. Saitama’s Hilarious Struggles and King’s Virtual Dominance
Despite his unmatched physical strength, Saitama has proven hilariously inept at video games, suffering frequent lopsided losses to fellow hero King.
As the only one privy to the King’s secret, whose reputed power comes from bluffing rather than actual ability, Saitama ironically cannot defeat the King in the virtual world.

King has maintained a mind-boggling 81-0 record against Saitama in gaming, even vowing to “handicap” himself by playing one-handed yet still dominating easily.
These comedic gaming defeats highlight Saitama’s one-dimensional skillset – peerless in heroic punching power yet woefully lacking in technical expertise outside combat.

They also further cement King as Saitama’s trusted friend and gaming superior.
At one point, Saitama even suffered the humiliation of losing a high-stakes match to e-sports champ Piko of The Blizzard Group, requiring Saitama to join their team before King stepped in to narrowly rescue his overmatched ally.

Through all the joystick-smashing thrashings he endures, Saitama takes the losses in stride, keeping perspective that so long as real villains threaten the innocent, protecting society remains his overriding purpose – no matter how many times King may virtually KO him!
2. Silver Fang’s Mentorship Beyond Punching
Saitama has bonded well with eminent S-Class hero Silver Fang, better known as Bang, who desires the mighty yet mercurial puncher to someday succeed him as dojo master.
This unlikely friendship has sparked amusing downtime games, though Saitama typically ends up best here, too.

The two have engaged in multiple rounds of Head Cover Rock Paper Scissors, a silly children’s diversion where players utilize surrounding objects to try to obscure their hand signs from opponents.
Despite his vaunted physical gifts, Saitama proves consistently clueless in guessing Bang’s shapes or hiding his own, losing repeatedly much to the elderly master’s quiet delight.
These lighthearted defeats onboard Silver Fang’s dojo showcase another sphere beyond Saitama’s depth – strategic mind games.

For all his peerless power, Saitama lacks cunning and patience. Meanwhile, weathered old Bang applies insight honed over decades of studying human nature to consistently outmaneuver his overly straightforward ally.
Their comedic contrast underscores Bang’s seasoned wisdom against Saitama’s one-track directness.

Yet it is such earnest simplicity that Bang sees value in, hoping to bequeath his teachings to one pure of heart, if not sharp of mind. There, the two heroes connect – the culmination of skill recognizing the seed of virtue.
1. Saitama’s Hilarious Struggle Against the Mighty Mosquito
In a fitting irony, given his overwhelming might against the scariest monsters, Saitama the One Punch Man has grappled with a laughably tiny foe he just can’t seem to beat – an everyday mosquito.

This minuscule pest has maddeningly eluded every attempt Saitama makes to eliminate it despite his astounding, faster-than-light reflexes.
The very speed he wields to obliterate top villains in an instant somehow isn’t quick enough to splatter one common bloodsucker that buzzes around his home.

It’s a fantastically farcical nemesis scaled to Saitama’s prowess – perhaps the mightiest creature on the entire planet yet persistently bested by possibly Earth’s smallest insect.
Their ongoing battle is the ultimate mismatch reversed. And while the mosquito has inflicted no meaningful damage beyond tiny bites that briefly annoy the impervious hero, it does deal damage to Saitama’s dignity, evading all desperate efforts to swat the gnat.

Were Saitama’s foes to realize his sole weakness is this miniature pest, perhaps regional monsters would trade their fangs and claws for tiny wings!
Until the mosquito is defeated, Saitama’s power will never completely exceed that of basic biology’s bothersome bugs.
More About Saitama’s Strongest Opponents
Of all the villains faced so far, alien conqueror Boros stands unmatched in might, pushing Saitama further than any prior foe.

Possessing latent energy enabling planet-shattering attacks, Boros could knock Saitama to the moon – an incredible showcase of strength.
During their epic duel, the durable Boros withstood a series of Saitama’s punches, continuing to fight briefly even after a particularly devastating blow before finally succumbing.
Boros’s having sufficient stamina to exchange words with Saitama post-injury demonstrated extreme resilience.

Fans now speculate whether new threats may surpass Boros’ level, especially Garou in the latest arc. His burgeoning growth hints at potentially exceeding Boros through continuous self-improvement during combat.
There also looms the series’ enigmatic God character, touted as ludicrously powerful though lacking shown feats thus far.

With Garou and God on the horizon alongside other emerging entities, enthusiasts eagerly anticipate fresh foes testing Saitama’s limits beyond Boros’ precedent.
Each new escalation of adversary might bring anticipation toward who may someday give history’s strongest hero his first real battle.
Surpassing Monsters and Nearing Boros’ Might
Garou has surpassed fellow monsters Orochi and Psykos in power rankings due to his continued evolution and nearly limitless potential.

As evidenced in the webcomic’s Chapter 162, Garou realizes his strength intensifies alongside his rage, implying no definitive ceiling.
ONE, the series creator, has compared Garou to Boros, undoubtedly the mightiest foe faced thus far. While acknowledging Boros may excel in sheer durability, ONE gives Garou the edge in close-quarters combat.
This suggests that as Garou taps deeper into his ultimate form, he could reach or perhaps exceed the fearsome heights that Boros displayed.

Given these tantalizing hints from ONE alongside Garou’s established ability to grow stronger mid-fight, his upper bounds stay shrouded in thrilling mystery.
Fans watch in anticipation as each fresh chapter chronicling his arc unveils more of Garou’s steadily ascending power.
Should his development continue unchecked, this so-called “Hero Hunter” may emerge as the ultimate threat, eclipsing even Boros’ staggering benchmark.