For over 25 years, Pokémon fans have wondered – what’s it actually like for Pokémon inside their Poké Balls? The recently rebooted anime series Pokémon Horizons has provided one interpretation.
Pokémon spend a lot of time encased in their Poké Balls. Fans have had differing ideas about the experience. Some think the Pokémon are in suspended animation, unaware of anything.
Others imagine the interior as rather comfortable, with everything a Pokémon could need. Still more believe being confined in a ball must be unpleasant, which could explain why Ash’s Pikachu refuses to stay in one.

In some Pokémon artwork, the creatures are literally depicted as shrinking to fit inside an empty Poké Ball interior. Now, Pokémon Horizons has revealed its take – in one scene in the fifth episode, viewers get a glimpse of what it’s like.
And it turns out, conditions inside a Poké Ball may not be too bad for the Pokémon dwelling within.
A Peek Inside Poké Ball Comforts
In the Horizons episode, a streamer named Nidothing films a video about different kinds of Poké Balls. One of the main characters, Roy, watches this video on his phone.

Nidothing shows off several Poké Ball types with their Quaxly Pokémon. But when they display the Luxury Ball, the video actually shows a glimpse inside.
Quaxly is seen relaxing on a couch, sipping a drink in a fancy glass. There’s a disco ball overhead and what looks like a full bar in the background. So the inside of this Luxury Ball appears quite comfortable and well-appointed for the Pokémon inhabiting it.

This surprising reveal was noticed by Joe Merrick, the founder of the popular Pokémon fansite Serebii. By showing the Luxury Ball’s interior, the anime has presented its interpretation of what life is like for Pokémon in their Poké Balls.
At least in this top-tier ball, the conditions seem far from unpleasant for the creature dwelling within.

In the games, Luxury Balls are the most expensive mass-produced variety of Poké Ball. They have an average catch rate, but Pokémon caught with Luxury Balls become more friendly.
This is likely because of better conditions inside. While played for comedy, the Horizons scene is the closest the anime has come to showing a Poké Ball interior.

In the past, Pokémon fan art has visualized similar concepts of comfortable Poké Ball interiors. An Adult Swim Robot Chicken sketch even showed Pikachu partying inside its Poké Ball with a disco ball, much like Quaxly.
So while Pokémon Horizons has finally given some idea of what a Poké Ball could be like, the debate amongst fans will surely continue.

Given the video-within-a-video presentation, the scene probably isn’t meant to be taken as canon.
But it does allow viewers to imagine their favorite Pokémon enjoying Luxury Ball comforts. Even after 25 years, the mysteries of the Poké Ball still captivate the imaginations of Pokémon fans.
More About Pokeball
Poké Balls are critical items in the Pokémon world used for catching and carrying Pokémon. The term refers both to the basic variety as well as the general name for the different types. Poké Balls are ubiquitous for Trainers.

Trainers can carry up to six Pokémon with them in Poké Balls attached to their belt. Additional Poké Balls can be stored in their Bag. Some Pokémon, like Ash’s Pikachu, dislike being kept in Poké Balls.
Stylized Poké Ball designs are extensively used as icons representing Pokémon in general. They appear in the logos for the Battle Frontiers, Pokémon Contests, Pokéathlon, and Musical. Poké Ball decorations can also be seen in Pokémon Centers.

The protagonists in the Kanto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, and Unova games have headgear featuring Poké Ball symbols. The Johto protagonists have Poké Ball symbols on their Bags.
Ethan’s headgear resembles an Ultra Ball top, and Lucas’s Bag prominently displays a Poké Ball.

So in the Pokémon world, Poké Balls are ubiquitous tools Trainers use for transporting their Pokémon companions. Their iconic design can be seen everywhere as a symbol of Pokémon.
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