Dragon Ball Daima, a new anime series in the Dragon Ball franchise, is set to premiere this Fall, marking the 40th anniversary of Akira Toriyama’s original Dragon Ball manga.
This series promises fresh adventures for Goku, featuring a new form and storylines never seen before in the franchise.
While details about the plot remain sparse, the release date has been confirmed for October 11th, 2024, in Japan.
The first episode will air with an extra ten minutes, though international release dates and streaming platforms have not yet been announced.
The anime’s story, which Akira Toriyama was involved in crafting before his passing, centers on Goku and his friends being shrunk due to a conspiracy.
To reverse this, they go on an adventure in a mysterious new world. Notably, Goku will return to using his Power Pole to fight, a nostalgic element from earlier Dragon Ball adventures that hasn’t been seen in some time.
The series is directed by Yoshitaka Yashima and Aya Komaki, with Katsuyoshi Nakatsuru handling the adaptation of Toriyama’s designs for animation.
Voice acting legend Masako Nozawa is set to reprise her role as Goku in Dragon Ball Daima, though the rest of the cast and the availability of an English dub have yet to be confirmed.
With the premiere date now set, fans of the series are eagerly awaiting more details on what this new chapter will bring, as it promises to add a fresh and exciting twist to the beloved Dragon Ball saga.