The highly anticipated Attack on Titan – The Last Attack film premiered in Japan on November 7, 2024, and took fans by surprise with an anime-original post-credits scene. Rather than an entirely new twist, the scene adapted the manga’s end credits chapter titled Attack on Titan Casts, found in the 34th and final volume. This special scene brought beloved characters back to life in a way that was both nostalgic and thought-provoking for long-time fans.
Attack on Titan, created by Hajime Isayama, originally ran as a manga spanning 34 volumes. Over the years, it gained multiple editions, including the oversized Colossal Edition (7 volumes) and the condensed Omnibus Edition (12 volumes), as well as a Best of Attack on Titan: In Color collection. This unique story evolved into a cultural phenomenon, and the new film’s post-credit scene cleverly mirrored the manga’s emotional farewell to its characters.
Attack on Titan – The Last Attack: Anime Film Concludes with an Unexpected Post-Credits Scene
The post-credits scene in The Last Attack echoes the Attack on Titan Casts chapter, where Eren Yeager, Armin Arlert, and Mikasa Ackerman—series’ protagonists—step out of the fictional world. Here, they watch their own story unfold in a cinema, akin to the real-life audience. The panel opens with the trio seated in a theater, joined by Marco, a supporting character whose appearance is unchanged from the time of his death, adding an eerie layer of nostalgia.
As the trio leaves the cinema, a reflective discussion ensues. Eren and Mikasa express satisfaction with the series finale, with Mikasa praising how every character received a proper send-off. However, Armin disagrees, citing fans’ criticisms of unresolved plot threads and arguing that a more definitive conclusion would have been beneficial. This lighthearted debate touches on real-world reactions to the manga’s controversial ending, with fans divided on whether its open-ended nature was satisfying or left too much unresolved.
— Luck🤞 (@Lucky_saini_ji) November 11, 2024
In the scene, Eren avoids directly commenting on the ending but nostalgically expresses how much he values spending time with Mikasa and Armin. He suggests that if a sequel were ever made, they should return to the cinema together, evoking a bittersweet sense of camaraderie. Mikasa and Armin share an awkward look, highlighting the complex bond between them and Eren, which resonated as one of the series’ emotional pillars.
The final panels of this post-credits scene leave the trio pondering the reality of their world and the mystery surrounding the Titans. With curiosity and irony, they debate the existence of Titans as a possible piece of real history, even joking about the idea of the trio themselves existing in reality. This meta-moment draws a parallel between the characters and the fans who have invested years following their journey, blurring the line between fiction and reality and closing out Attack on Titan in a uniquely self-aware way.