One of the most eagerly awaited anime adaptations is Sakamoto Days, which tells the story of a former assassin turned humble store owner reminiscent of John Wick in his prime. Despite trying to leave his violent past behind, his old life starts catching up with him, keeping fans hooked as the Shonen Jump manga continues to grow in popularity.
In a surprising update, License Global has revealed a slew of upcoming Netflix projects slated for release in 2024 and 2025.
Among highly anticipated titles like Stranger Things Season 5, Squid Game Season 2, One Piece Season 2, and Bridgerton Season 3, anime fans were treated to an unexpected announcement. Sakamoto Days is listed as a new release for 2024, although an exact release date has yet to be disclosed.
Netflix has established itself as a powerhouse in anime, boasting exclusive streaming rights to major series such as Baki The Grappler, Beastars, JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stone Ocean, and Terminator Zero.
Given Netflix’s recent move to air new episodes of One Piece weekly, it remains to be seen whether they will adopt a similar strategy for Taro Sakamoto’s story or opt for a full-season release.
With its diverse anime catalog, Netflix’s acquisition of Sakamoto Days aligns well with its commitment to delivering quality anime content to a global audience. As fans eagerly await more details, the announcement promises an exciting addition to Netflix’s anime lineup in the coming year.